It is not how much money you earn that makes you financially free but how you use the money your earn. Many people having problems with money rush to get more money. This actually is the wrong assumption. In fact when they get more money they actually get into more financial problems. Wherever you earn money the first thing you should do is to get to know how to keep the money and have the money work for you. Getting financial education on how to invest your money is paramount to your being successful with regard to money use. The following Money spending and Saving tips will help you make good informed decisions with regard to money use and saving:

- Keep savings and checking accounts at separate banks.
- Be patient to have that car, home, vacation etc. Save until you have enough cash to these things.
- Have an emergency fund to guard against job loss, or any big expense that might come up.
- Prioritize on long-term. Invest before you spend the money on short-term needs.
- Stick to your budget.
Related: 6 Simple Tips to Achieving Financial Freedom
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