How to get Approved by Infolinks

Infolinks is one of  the best alternative to Google AdSense.  Many at times you may be rejected by Google AdSense after doing several applications and reapplications but don’t give up, Infolinks can serve as the best alternative to Google AdSense.  Infolinks has an advertising platform for both advertisers and Publishers. To get approved by Infolinks, isn’t that difficult as compared to Google AdSense. In fact all you need is a blog or website with good amount of traffic to start with. Your blog or websites shouldn’t have illegal contents like hacking sites, pornographic sites, drugs etc. Having these will lead to immediate rejection of your application.

Infolinks approval requirements:

  • Your website or blog should have at least 50 posts, apart from landing pages like: Privacy Policy, Contact Us, About Us etc.
  • Your site should have at least 100 page views in a day
  • Your site should be easy to navigate, i.e. a friendly design
  • Your site can have some content from other blogs unlike Google AdSense which doesn’t allow this

You can easily sign up on their site. All you need to have is your website or blog. If you don’t have a blog, set up one here iPage Make sure you pick a domain name that relate or matches the content  on your site.

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