Everyone of us, at one time as fallen into that trap of excess spending. To avoid this, you need to consider the following smarter spending steps that will inspire an overall plan and new habits that will guide your day-to-day decisions.
First and foremost, set new priorities
Budgets revolve around 3 costs: food, housing, and transportation. After you budget for these expenses, which probably will account for between half to two-thirds of your take-home pay, and factor in any debt payments, you can decide how to prioritize savings, household expenses, professional expenses and entertainment. Those flexible expenses can be scaled up and down more quickly than fixed costs like rent payments.
Harness the power of online tools
If you want to budget, you can simply use a smart phone app like Level money. On Mint.com you can upload your credit card account information and get immediate insight to where your money is going. You can then use that information to start saving more money. Using these online tools, will go a long way to make it easier to manage your money.
Time yourself
If you have plans to buy a specific item, then you need to put in those plans earlier enough and budget for them to avoid buying on instincts.
Budget by the year, not just the month
Budgeting for the year helps to put in more buffer for unexpected expenses
Set money aside for fun expenses
Having money set aside for each of your expenses makes it easier to manage and track where the money is going. Some people overlook those small and inexpensive expenditures, only to discover late when they run of cash.
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Consider your high and low points
Go back to the decisions you made earlier, to pinpoint your weaknesses. Also consider the good decisions you made like doing a price comparison before buying a car.
Take a spending diary challenge
Try to write down every single thing you spend money on for the last 1 month. Why and how it made you feel. Review the list, and see what is not supposed to be there.
Avoid Temptation
Avoid signing up for any promotional email that come your way. Cancel them if you have subscribed to avoid those tempting emails with shiny catalogs.
Reward yourself
Don’t deny yourself every material pleasure that comes your way. After hard work for your money, let it bring some pleasure. Maybe occasionally taking a meal out.
Also Read: Personal Financial Strategies to Last a Life
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