Tips that can help you set successful goals

How to set successful goals

Goal setting can be a great way through which you can learn a new skill or practice good habits. Here are helpful tips to help you in setting successful goals that will work for you. 

Make a strategy 

Be sure to take all of the details into consideration to make a good sound plan to reach your goal. Determine whether or not your goal is realistic, and if it so then determine in what time span it could be achieved. Also, make sub-goals and daily routines that will allow you to gauge your progress regularly. It should be a clean learning curve, adapted to your place.

Dream Big

Never be afraid of saying exactly what you want, even if it seems an overwhelming thing to do. Make it something you are passionate enough about to reach without looking back or slowing down. Let this dream be the driving motivation for your work.

Find Support 

Be willing to share your thoughts and progress to those you value in your life especially the bigger goals. For dreams that require years of work it is difficulty at times to maintain forward momentum and having the support of another will encourage you in those hard times. If possible,find someone  who has already accomplished the goal you are striving for and ask them for useful information and ideas to help your progress.

Work hard 

Always be proactive and maintain a strong work ethic. Never settle for laziness or procrastination. Decide in advance to do whatever it takes to reach success, and don’t let distraction get in your way. It may be easy to watch TV but it won’t help you anyway.

Related: What is goal setting?


Maintain a positive attitude and always approach your practice with passion. The only way to fail is to become discouraged. Never give up and be willing to adapt your strategy to cope with any of life’s encroaching problems.

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29 responses to “Tips that can help you set successful goals”

  1. Very useful tips, as always thanks

  2. Attitude shift is key isn’t it? At least for me this one is tough

    1. Yes, but it is a gradual process but not an instant change.

  3. Love this. As a new, aspiring food blogger, it was very inspiring! 🙂

  4. “Dream Big.” Yep, I remember the day I said out loud that I was going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro when I was 58 years old. And by dreaming BIG, I did it! Thanks for sharing these tips John.

  5. This is very valuable info that can apply to many different types of projects! Great inspiration for me!

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback.

  6. Very useful tips. It’s important to set goals whether you’re an entrepreneur or not. As the song says, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.

    1. Hi Priya, thanks for those beautiful insights!

  7. With this simple and well-detailed strategy, goals can be achievable ,smart and actionable. Thanks

    1. Hi, I appreciate your visit and taking time to comment on this post. Welcome.

      1. Thanks. I really appreciate your reply too.

  8. Thanks for sharing those good tips. I think the one that seems the most appropriate is to work hard. Sometimes people are looking for the shortcut, the easy way, the FAST way. Bottom line, the sustainable way is to work hard and be focused. When I started blogging, I couldn’t believe how many suggested “buying” readers, or comments etc. I wanted sustainable good readership that wouldn’t leave at the drop of a hat, or after a few days. Social media folks can be fickle, and you need to bring over the ones who truly match your offerings.
    Thanks for the insightful post – and wishing you a Happy New year!

    1. Yes, actually there isn’t any shortcut to success, you have to put in the needed effort to reach your goals otherwise thanks for visiting and taking time to comment on this post. Happy new year too!

  9. Really nice and beneficial article.

    1. Hi Collins, thanks for dropping by. Happy new year!

  10. Nadene van der Linden Avatar
    Nadene van der Linden

    Great tips. Strategy is so important

    1. Thanks for dropping by.

  11. I’m going to go into 2018 with these goals in mind, especially when it comes to blogging! Bookmarked this page to read again later 🙂

    1. Hi Daneen, most welcomed.

      1. Great tips! I think I need to do better at dreaming big

  12. I think having the right attitude is so important. I find that the negative little voice in my head is always trying to talk me out of dreaming big so I have to constantly fight with it! But I find that surrounding myself with positive people and other dreamers helps. Thanks for the tips:)

  13. I really enjoyed reading your article. Nice one and do keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks for dropping by.

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