How to unlock your Potential

The following tips can help you unlock your potential:

  • Define success – What does success means to you?  Does it mean being financially stable? owning a home? Success depends on your own ability and determination to work hard. Define your success and work towards achieving it.   
  • Set realistic goals – Don’t be over excited and set big, unrealistic goals forgetting that you need to make sure they are realistic and attainable. Start small as you look to setting and achieving bigger goals. No goal or milestone is too small or insignificant.
  • Believe in yourself – Self belief can take you to places and makes you seek opportunities you never thought you would.
  • Have the right attitude – Your attitude will determine the amount of effort you will put in achieving success. It will also help you carry out your role effectively and to do more than you have been assigned. Your attitude is what will guide you when things get tough, and failure comes.
  • Seize opportunities along the way – Don’t let opportunities pass you, make the best of use of your environment to create a livelihood for your self and family.
  • Don’t shy a way from asking for help – Your weakness is someone  else strength therefore ask for help where necessary. Learn from one another, this will go along way helping build each other.
  • Focus on the future – Don’t focus so much on your current life but rather use it to prepare for a better tomorrow. Work hard now for a better tomorrow.
  • Be challenged – Challenges will help you get out of your comfort zone and enable you to be creative besides enabling you to grow.
  • Go the extra mile – Going an extra mile, is what differentiate an ordinary and an extraordinary individual. Learn to do more than is expected of you.
  • Have a reputable character – Be someone people can look up to . Develop your space and gain respect for being who you are.
  • Lastly surround yourself with the best  – Have friends that can challenge you to achieve more.
Ways to unlock your potential

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79 responses to “How to unlock your Potential”

  1. Jacque Hooper Avatar
    Jacque Hooper

    So true about surrounding yourself with the right people. After all, you are the company you keep!

  2. Create. Play. Travel. Avatar
    Create. Play. Travel.

    Attainable goals are a great step towards achieving success. I tend to look at the big picture and don’t make a plan to accomplish all my tasks. I could benefit from following a to-do list.

    1. Glad you have learned something from this. Thanks.

  3. Tiffany La Forge-Grau Avatar
    Tiffany La Forge-Grau

    These are some stellar tips! Success comes from so many areas that it’s important to know ALL the ways that can help you unlock your full potential.

  4. Vanessa Delia Avatar
    Vanessa Delia

    Realistic goals are a vital part to success. If you set yourself up for failure, it will feel impossible.

    1. Yes, it all begins in your mind. What you think is what you becomes.

  5. What a great motivational blog you got on here! I could use this in my everyday life

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback!

  6. What an inspiring topic for today. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to ispired by you and it helps a lot to be more successful!

  7. As an entrepreneur, these are such good reminders! Thanks for the post.

  8. Catherine Santiago Jose Avatar
    Catherine Santiago Jose

    These are amazing and very helpful tips. Finding your potential is not that easy it really takes a lot of hardwork but I am sure that once you found it everything will fall into a right and perfect place.

    1. True. Thanks for the nice feedback.

  9. Success means a lot to all of us and how we achieve that is up to us. Asking for help is key and being confident is very important. For me I just want a successful business that can allow me to show my talents and for me to help others while doing it. I love what I do and that’s all that matters.

    1. Totally agree with you. Thanks for the insightful feedback.

  10. It definitely takes time and a lot of work, but once you find your potential, it’s amazing all of the things you can do with it.

  11. Dennis K. Littley Avatar
    Dennis K. Littley

    These are great tips! Very helpful and effective when they’re put into practice. Thank you for sharing!

  12. I have learned to tell myself that I have already accomplished whatever my goal is. It’s really empowering, along the lines of believing in yourself.

    1. Yes, it all begins in believing in yourself, Thanks.

  13. Mosaics Lab Avatar
    Mosaics Lab

    Super love your post and yes i can’t agree more, defining success and agree on the goals are definitely the first steps towards success. Great read.


    1. Thanks for the visit.

  14. Absolutely inspirational. I am going to try some of the tips youvyo mentioned above. Thank you.

    1. Hi Georgina, thanks for the feedback.

  15. These are some amazing tips!! I personally like challenges and its so true that challenges will give you an opportunity to come out of comfort zone. Thanks for these great tips John!!

    1. As always, you are welcomed!

  16. Very motivational and inspirational post. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Vimal, am grateful for your visit.

  17. Good tips! I can especially relate to not being shy about asking for help. I need to work on this one myself!

    1. Hey Shirley, thanks very much for the feedback.

  18. notquitesupermommn Avatar

    I feel inspired after reading this post. Setting yourself up for success is very important if you want to succeed.

    1. Hi, glad to receive such a good feedback. Thanks.

  19. Such a beautiful and inspirational post. On a daily basis i tried to be challenged in my endeavours to see if am actually progressing

    1. Hi Mathew, thanks for commenting on this post. Welcome.

  20. Fibromomblog Avatar

    I think you hit the mark on these tips to be successful. These are very encouraging as well, it can get so hard while you are working towards something. You can start to doubt yourself, or think it is taking too long. While we should enjoy life in the moment, there is something to be said about not dwelling too much on our current state and focus on what we are doing to change it.

    1. Hi, succeeding in life is more about finding ways to overcome the various weaknesses we face in life, and exploring our potentials to the maximum. Thanks for the insightful comments.

  21. rbaiano22 Avatar

    This post is very inspiring! It is encouraging me to continue to grow my business despite challenges!

    1. Thanks for dropping by!

  22. […] You can also read: How to unlock your Potential. […]

  23. These are some really great tips for reaching your potential and setting goals. Thanks for sharing at #WoW Words on Wednesday Linkup

    1. Hi Evelyn, thanks for reading and for the feedback.

  24. Awesome tips for reaching our potential! Thank you for sharing!

  25. Hello John! Your principles are sound. I especially liked your point to surround ourselves with good friends. I didn’t consider this until I read your article. I am extremely grateful for my friends and colleagues who inspire and encourage me. I just hadn’t realized it yet. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for visiting, and for the positive feedback. Yes, good friends helps to build you up, and encourage you when you are down or think of giving up otherwise you are most Welcomed.

  26. I think defining what success means to you is probably the most important part. And as focusing on future – yes, but don’t let it go as far as to forget to live in the present..

    1. Hi Monika, am grateful for your comments. Yes we need to focus on the future but also use the past and present to shape it.

  27. Nichole Shirell Avatar
    Nichole Shirell

    Great information this useful!

  28. Great tips there!

  29. I believe defining success for yourself is very important. It helps to put everything into perspective. Great post!

    1. Thanks Nicole.

  30. These are great and very helpful tips John, I would like to add; let go of negative people, as they will hinder you from achieving your goals.

    1. Thanks for the additional Tip. Welcome.

  31. Awesome post! I’m definitely doing all of the above with being new to blogging!

    1. Thanks Anissa.

  32. Another inspiring post! I definitely am working on all of the above with being new to blogging!

  33. Kristin A Yanniello Avatar
    Kristin A Yanniello

    Awesome info!

  34. johnsonm2wittenbergedu Avatar

    Inspiring post! All of these tips are super helpful easy to incorporating into my everyday life! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for commenting on this post.

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