Although many people may be more cautious in spending money, they do still need the goods and services. The person they will do business with will be the one who provides the best value and finds creative ways to stay in front of them.
The following are sales and marketing strategies to maintain and even increase sales, no matter what’s going on around you.
Reactivate dormant accounts
Reaching out to past clients can make customers for life. Let them know you are there for them and be generous by offering some ideas to help them in their business. One phone call can make a huge difference. When you go the extra mile and show them you are there to help them, they will appreciate you and remember that when they ready to do business.
Follow up
Don’t give up after following one or two times. People may not be ready to buy from you but if they expressed interest, they will probably be ready to buy in the next several months. They say it takes around 7-10 or more touches to move the client to making a buying decision. You need to come up with creative ways to stay in touch, so when they are ready to buy they will remember you.
Make special offers
Offer a product or service at a special low fee for a limited time. You can give catchy names to these special offers e.g. Coupon sale, Free 30-Day Trial. You will need to put a time limit on the offer to encourage people to buy now and not later. It is also important to explain why you are having the sale, so they know you don’t just drop prices whenever you feel like it.
Up sell to generate additional revenue
When a client purchase your product, you can offer other services at a nominal fee that will complement the product they have just purchased.
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Add value to your existing service
During times when your customers may be concerned about pricing, another way to win them over is to offer the best value for their dollar. You can do this by enhancing your service with extras. An extra might be faster delivery than your competitors, a larger selection, easier payment options, or a better guarantee.
Lastly be optimistic by staying positive
Surround yourself with positive people, listen to people who share secrets for achieving success, take time to nurture yourself, believe in yourself and stay in action.
Related: Steps to sales success
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