Simple habits of ultra successful people

What do successful people do that sets them apart from the other people? Actually, success comes down to emotional intelligence more than anything else. In this post, we are going to look at how successful people use this skill to achieve their dreams. Ultra successful people portray some of the following qualities:  

They speak with certainty

Ultra Successful people speak assertively because they know it is difficulty to get people to listen to you if you can’t deliver your ideas with conviction.

They are deliberate

Ultra successful people reach decisions by thinking things out, seeking advice from others and using it to make logical decisions. They know that impulsively relying too much on gut instinct is ineffective and misleading. They are able to slow down and logically think things through.

They are composed

They are composed because they constantly monitor their emotions; they understand them, and they use this knowledge in the moment to react to challenging situations with self-control. When things go the way they didn’t expect, they are persistently calm and content. They know that no matter how good or bad things get, everything changes with time. All they can do is adapt and adjust to stay happy and in control.

They use positive Body language

They are cognizant of their gestures, expressions, and tone of their voices knowing very well that this is what draws people to them. Using an enthusiastic tone, not crossing your arms, maintaining an eye contact and leaning towards the person who’s speaking are all forms of positive body language that ultra-successful people use to draw others in . Note, that Positive body language makes all the difference in a conversation because the way you say something can be more important that what you say.

They are knowledgeable 

They seek continuous learning through self-education. They are always looking for opportunities to improve and new things to learn about themselves and the world around them.

They leave a strong first impression

First impressions are tied intimately to positive body language. A strong posture, a firm handshake, a smile and open shoulders help ensure your first impressions is a good one.

Simple habits of Ultra Successful People

They seek out small victories 

Small victory builds motivation for taking greater challenges, also when you achieve a series of small victories, there is a boost in your confidence. Successful people like to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield only small victories.

Related article: 8 Key Traits of Successful People

They are honest

They know that honesty enables genuine connections with people in a way that dishonesty can’t and that lying will always come back to bite you in the end.

They are graceful

Graceful people are strong and gentle. It is the gentleness of being graceful that gives the successful people their power. They are approachable, likable and easy to get a long with.

They are grateful/appreciative

Successful recognize others for their contributions towards them being successful. They also appreciate the opportunities that life has given them.

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Related: Resources to help you Improve your leadership skills

They are fearless

Fear is in fact a lingering emotion fueled by your imagination. Fear is a choice. Instead of letting fear take over, successful people are addicted to the euphoric feeling of conquering fears.

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77 responses to “Simple habits of ultra successful people”

  1. I completely agree that successful people carry most of these qualities! I’m hoping to work on some of these attributes myself.

    1. Hi Cecilia, thanks for reading.

  2. I tried to measure up to the listed protocols for success and I was found wanting. I have a long way to go to embrace the mindset of the ultra successful. You have really offered some really sobering insights

    1. Thanks for your feedback Ingrid!

  3. twinspirational Avatar

    These are great tips on how to be successful. Definitely helpful for us.

  4. Courtney Avatar

    Great examples!!!! Successful people are also very goal oriented! Always after something!

    1. True. Thanks for passing by!

  5. Sam Erin Avatar
    Sam Erin

    Or just rich and have parents who can buy their way into success. LOL. That’s the nice shortcut, ha.

    1. I like working to success, shortcuts are easy but in most cases short lived.

  6. This is article is very interesting and fascinating. Although, I high agree that successful people are fearless.

    1. Thanks Criselle for reading.

  7. A great list of habits to have. Being fearless is a habit that I really wish I had that was stronger.

  8. Seeking out small victories is something I’m learning to work on, but it doesn’t come naturally for me. I’ a big picture type of person, so I tend to only give myself credit when the entire goal is accomplished or only after the final project is done. I know that there are so many small steps that go into accomplishing anything, and I need to give myself credit for those small wins too!

    1. Hi, I totally agree with you, celebrating for small wins is a great way of making an appreciation and preparing for even bigger wins!

  9. These are great reminders! Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. Sara Welch Avatar
    Sara Welch

    These are some notable points to think about when building your career; great reminder!

  11. Never really thought about the demeanor of a successful person, but these points are all very spot on! Good things to keep in mind for the future!

  12. I definitely agree that successful people are composed and graceful. These simple habits really help with their success,

  13. Interesting. I didn’t realize that so many people have similar traits. But you could be right.

    1. Hi, thanks for reading.

  14. it’s always good to remember small victories ❤️

  15. IG Time Photography Avatar
    IG Time Photography

    I totally agree with the post that successful people have these qualities. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Great post and very motivating at the same time. Honesty is the key, for making friends or even business partner. We need to have the trust in order to get the long term relationship.

  17. Another great post and tips. Very insightful. I need to be more fearless!!

  18. Great post and spot on. Only thing I would add is they make sure to take care of their health

  19. Great tips. I agree, the only one I would have added is planning! They plan and execute without loosing flexibility. #Globalblogging

    1. Thanks for visiting and the additional tip.

  20. Great post John, I know somebody who has lot of these qualities. But I love the way he talks and delvers his ideas with a soft assertive tone. And whenever he is around, that person exudes a kind of aura which inspires you to do something great. I am a big fan of how incredible human mind and bodies are and the way we can learn great habits, virtues and qualities. I totally agree with the post that successful people have these qualities. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Gursimrat, am grateful for you insightful feedback. We should always strive to learn from those people who have succeeded in life.

  21. Totally agree of all these traits and charateristics mentioned on the list! the best that I adore is “They are fearless” successful people oozing with this and I’d love to be one of them 🙂

    1. Hey, I really appreciate your positive feedback. Thanks for visiting.

  22. notquitesupermommn Avatar

    I agree with your list, these habits are evident in almost all of the successful people that I know.

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback.

  23. Wonderful write up John. Quite inspirational. Thanks.

  24. I am gonna save this and read it multiple times. I love it!!!

  25. good article, I really like the explanation above, it can also be useful for me

    1. Hi Dena, thanks for the feedback.

  26. This site is fast becoming on my favorites. The part of being honest is what particularly important if you ask me.

    1. Hey, your feedback is well appreciated. Thanks for visiting.

  27. Things to be aware of when talking to others! Thanks

  28. Great post, both in so far as you can see yourself in it and be proud and also see areas in which some work is needed.

    1. Dr. Elise, thanks for commenting on this post.

  29. You have described my dear husband – I feel rather proud..! :O)

    1. Thanks for visiting.

  30. These are great insights. The more we are seeking to live our dream, the more we are doing more and more of that making a first impression and speaking with conviction. It goes a long way in helping others see what you see. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Vox, thanks for being a loyal reader, most welcomed.

  31. Zestful Kitchen Avatar
    Zestful Kitchen

    These are all great things to keep in mind!

  32. I agree! They have reached the level of self actualization. This reminds me of a person who is very close to me. I’m learning a lot from him. Thank you for sharing!

  33. johnsonm2wittenbergedu Avatar

    Very well written! Will definitely work on integrating these habits into my lifestyle!

    1. Thanks for dropping by.

  34. Being a leader is something that can be thought if we only have enough motivation to do it. thank you for the article!

  35. This is an interesting read!

    1. Thanks for the comment.

  36. Great article! I agree with everything you wrote here.

    1. Am grateful for the comment.

  37. This is one thing I love about successful people. They are least they look like one. I hope to be one someday.

    1. Thanks for the comment Djong. Each new day brings the opportunity to be a successful person.

  38. Very good points and so true! Be fearless, be positive and be open. That’s most of it. The attitude and the postures come from inside. Everything else required for success can really be learned.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I fully agree with you.

    2. Always best to be fearless!!

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