10 Effective ways to building backlinks on your blog

Effective ways of backlinks building on your website

Building backlinks is one of the important parts of Search Engine Optimization. In order to improve the rankings of your site in search engines results page and be able to gain large number of visitors to your site, you have to build backlinks to your site. The more backlinks you have, the more channels you create for gaining visitors to your site. 

While creating backlinks maybe easy, you need to follow safe methods of creating quality backlinks to your site to avoid your site being penalized by Search Engines like Google. Some of the proven Safe and effective ways of building backlinks are listed as follows:

Social Media

Promoting your blog posts through Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Quora, LinkedIn among others is a great resource for building backlinks and this helps your blog get known among a wider audience. Search Engines gives due credit to social signals for your blog post which can eventually lead to a better rank in the search engine result pages. Social Media and Social Bookmarking sites like Reddit help to build backlinks for your site.

Effective ways of Building Backlinks on Your Blog


Blog commenting is another effective and safe way to build backlinks. This also helps to bring new visitors to your site. You can choose blogs with high in rank than yours that have Do-follow link instead of Nofollow, read their posts and leave comments behind.

Also Read: 7 Easy Ways to gather Backlinks and Improve Your SEO

Guest blogging

Guest blogging or Guest Posting is one of the basic way to build safe and quality backlinks for your site. What you need to do here is to write quality content that can easily be accepted other bloggers hence get published by them on their sites. Get suitable blogs that relates to your niche, then find out if they accept guest posts. The guest post is usually supplemented with an author bio section. You get backlinks pointing to a blog post in your site and also to your main domain. Guest posting helps to build traffic to your site.


Forums offer an effective medium to share information, knowledge, discuss a topic or even ask a question. You need to create a profile. You can add a link to your site or you can use a forum signature to create backlinks for your site.

Directory submission

You can boost your link building efforts by submitting your site to popular and authority directories. RSS directories also accept RSS feed link of your blog post. Although this seems to be on decline nowadays, it can still work to create backlinks.

Social profile rank

You can also create your profile on social media sites and give links pointing to your sites. There are many social networks that allow these, like LinkedIn, Pinterest.

Also Check: SEO strategy

Building relationship

Cultivating a good relationship with fellow bloggers especially those in the same niche goes a long way in promoting your blog. Fellow bloggers with whom you have built a good relationship overtime may give reference to your blog posts and give links in their posts to your website. This helps to create backlinks for your site.

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to Content SEO

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Internal linking between pages

Creating internal links between your site’s pages is also a way of link building. This also enhances your visitor’s engagements by providing links which connects your blog’s posts. Visitors get relevant information within your site hence they don’t need to leave your site. This increase page views and lowers the bounce rate.

Competitor back link analysis

Finding out about your competitor’s backlinks can help you build  Quality backlinks for your site.  One of the places you can check backlinks is Serpstat. .  With this information, you can build backlinks on those sites too.

Offer free products

Offering free products especially in your niche like a free tutorial, this will attract sites related to your niche to give backlinks and write about the free offer provided by you thereby promoting your site.

Related: Keyword Research Reimagined: Using Reddit, Wikipedia, Seed Keywords, and Creating Your Own for SEO Success

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158 responses to “10 Effective ways to building backlinks on your blog”

  1. Great post! Learned new resources to sharing backlinks and learned about different forums.

    1. Hi Sandy, glad to learn that you found this helpful post.

  2. Congrats! Your post won the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party!

    1. Hi Janice, glad to learn that. Looking forward to the next party. Thanks.

  3. Khushboo Motihar Avatar
    Khushboo Motihar

    I would like to explore link building through reddit. I have never tried that. I try commenting and guest posting on other blogs.

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. These tips are very helpful when you are starting blogging. Im a beginner so I only tried a few of them. thanks for sharing.

  5. all of these are so effective! I’ve been blogging for years and can say yes, i’ve actually tried each tip and they work!

    1. Thanks. Glad to get a positive feedback from you!

  6. thank you so much for posting this, i really want to build my blog this year so will be taking these tips

    1. Hi Rachael, you are welcomed.

  7. alexandra cook Avatar
    alexandra cook

    This blog is informative it will definitely be helpful to those people starting a business online.

    1. Hey Alexander, I appreciate your feedback.

  8. It is so important that we learn new things about blogging. This is something that can be very helpful with use bloggers.

  9. Thanks for this post. I was literally talking to my husband about this yesterday.

    1. Glad to hear that. Thanks.

  10. Such a helpful post for everyone mostly for the beginners

    1. Hi Nafisa, I appreciate your feedback.

  11. These are useful to know about when it coming to building links. There is just so much to know about blogging! Thanks for sharing this information.

  12. Jacque Hooper Avatar
    Jacque Hooper

    I love it when I see a blog that has a free offer of some kind. Like a recipe, or weekly planner. Great tips!

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

  13. I saved this blog thanks for sharing im always need help with links

    1. Good to hear that. Thanks.

  14. scrapbookadventures365 Avatar

    Such great advice for bloggers including me! Thank you!

  15. ah this came at a perfect time! I was just doing my research on this so thank you so much for sharing ❤️

  16. ChelseaMamma Avatar

    Some great tips for new bloggers here – building backlinks is time consuming, but so worth it

  17. This is one of those things that I need to learn more about. I just hired someone to help with it.

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

  18. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is really helpful for bloggers.

    1. Hi Maggie, you are most welcomed.

  19. As a fairly new blog writer myself, I appreciate all the new tips!

  20. Thanks for sharing. I’m just getting started and these strategies gave me some ideas.

    1. Hi Jessa, I appreciate your feedback. Welcome.

  21. […] You can also read: 10 Effective ways of Building Backlinks on your Blog […]

  22. […] You can also read: 10 Effective ways of Building Backlinks on your Blog […]

  23. […] 10 Effective ways of building links on your blog. […]

  24. Thanks. I’m going to implement some of your tips for my blog.

    1. Hi Mike, I appreciate your visit.

  25. Hmm.. now I am considering Reddit

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by.

  26. I’ve noticed that developing relationships in real life and online seem to be the most effective. You meet some amazing people with amazing ideas in the process.

    1. True, otherwise thanks for Visiting.

  27. Hi John,
    I’ve never really understood the competitor backlink analysis. I never thought of posting my link on Reddit just for the backlink. Thanks,

    1. Hi Janice, am glad you picked key learning points from this post. Thanks for visiting.

  28. Thanks for providing meaningful ways to achieve back linking. Though I was familiar with the impact of some of these methods, some of these were fresh sources for achieving that goal. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi, am grateful for your visit,

  29. Lucrezia Avatar

    As usual, you addressed and nailed an important matter and gave the best advice to other bloggers! I think most bloggers when they first start, focus much more on on-page SEO than on off-page SEO trying to chase that long-tail keyword that would get them the first page on Google, all while neglecting that link-building is a huge component of any SEO strategy which brings long-lasting results and domain authority.

    1. Hi Lucrezia, thanks for visiting and for the insightful comments, this is of great help to bloggers out there.

  30. Very interesting! I am using some of them, but haven’t thought about using some of the others. I wanted to check out the competitor domain site you mentioned, but it says it’s for sale. I wonder if there’s another site like it?

    1. Thanks for visiting, you can check out this site: Serpstat.

  31. Lots of great info here. Need to get pinterest going.

    1. Hi Christel, am grateful for your visit. Pinterest is one of my main sources of traffic, but it requires a lot of work. You have to create pins, boards, and pin almost on a daily basis to drive any traffic from it.

  32. Thanks for this insight on backlink. This post has really enlightened me more. Thanks

    1. Hi, I appreciate your visit. Welcome again.

  33. Very informative post. I was only using facebook and commenting on other blogs for building back links. Using reddit is a good idea. Thanks for the post

    1. Hi Prajakta, am glad that you found these tips useful to your blogging work. Welcome.

  34. Thank you for sharing these great techniques. I feel like I am already doing most of these things but I’m not sure where I stand in bablinks ratings and what not. Thank you for these strategies!

    1. Hi Wendi, am grateful for your visit. Welcome.

  35. you had a great Blog system

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