How to increase your blog traffic and views

Getting Traffic and hence more Views on a blog has proved to be one of the challenging task that faces bloggers. Many bloggers give up, simply because they can’t attract enough traffic to enable them monetize their blogs. Though it may seem a challenging task to promote your blog, it is easier if you understand what you are supposed to do from the word go.

7 Ways to increase traffic to your blog

You should make it a habit to promote all new posts that you publish, don’t assume that readers will visit your site because you have good content. Successful bloggers are those that promote their content to reach wider audience while maintaining high quality content. Some of the ways to enable you get more views and traffic to your blog include: 

Linking your blog to other blogs

Blogging is all about engaging with other bloggers especially in the same niche and interacting in online discussions. When you link a blog post, the blogger will likely find your blog through their stats or a pingback. They may visit your blog to find out more about what you’ve written and comment. Some may even subscribe!

Blog on a regular basis

It is proven that blogs that have more frequent and regular posting schedules tend to develop an audience quicker. Therefore it is advisable to pick particular days say Monday and Wednesday in a week, or Once in a week when your audience know that you will publish a post and they will likely be on look out for a new post from you.

Let people know about your posts

Here you can use your email list, just create a campaign where you email out your new blog post to your list or even if you don’t have an email list but you have people you have a close relationship through friendship, simply drop them a short email with a link to your blog post.

Promote your posts on social media

You can set up your blog publishing features so that when you publish your posts, they are automatically shared to your social networks like Facebook, Twitter or G+ and your followers can see them in their feeds. You can also share in Groups in the same niche as yours.

Have search engines index your blog

Have the settings in your dashboard set correctly to enable search engines index your site. This can be accessed through Settings>Reading in your site’s dashboard.

Bring in your family & friends

You can add to your audience by encouraging your family and friends to read your blog. This can be done in person or by sending them reminder emails when you make updates.

Pay for traffic to your blog

This maybe like the last option, but it works in some few cases, especially when you selling products online, or you want your brand name to be known.

Simple ways to increase your blog traffic visitors and views #Bloggingtips Share on X

The bottom line

The above methods can work, but for you to develop a large following it may take time.  Note that, building a wider audience of engaged and loyal readers takes time therefore don’t worry when you don’t see results in the short-term. Keep on working, and it won’t be long before you see the large positive swing in your traffic.

Related: 8 Reasons your blog traffic is very low

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121 responses to “How to increase your blog traffic and views”

  1. Great tips! I need to focus on promoting more…

    1. Hi Amy, promoting content after publishing is key to succeeding online.

  2. Yes! Good recommendations! I still have to make my family try to follow my stuff, I personally don’t like to ask my close ones to follow me… but at least mom and dad!

    1. Hi, yes building a following from family and friends is one of the easy ways you can market your blog.

  3. Yes! I need to start taking some of these tips into action, thanks for sharing!

  4. I’m curious as when you say to pay for traffic – what advertising do you recommend?

    1. You can start with Blaze provided by

  5. All great tips. Diversifying and promoting to get seen, is crucial. I use all of these methods and a few others.

    1. Hi, true! Content promotion is key to succeeding online.

  6. Angie's Roost Avatar
    Angie’s Roost

    Yes! Especially to the promoting a blog post part. I find that with my blog I’ll get lazy and not promote posts and the traffic drop is noticeable. I heard someone say they spend more time promoting posts than they do creating new blog content. It’s SO true. Thanks for this post. I’m glad I came across it.

    1. Hi Angie, content promotion is key to succeeding online. You can have the best content, but it doesn’t reach the intended audience, then it will just remain the best content to those who have only seen it.

  7. I’d like to know more about linking the blog to other blogs… thanks!

  8. This is exactly the article I needed to read today!

    1. Hi Pantea, glad you found this article helpful!

  9. What great tips! I bookmark to your site because I will definitely come back and read it more thoroughly!

    1. Hi Antoinette, glad to get your feedback. Thanks for reading.

  10. Thanks for this post. Looks like I will have to work to make some changes in how I do things.

    1. Hi Catherine, am glad you have learned some blogging tips from this post. You are welcome.

  11. Some excellent, common sense tips here. And you’re right about the amount of time it takes to build up a readership.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by. Glad you found this post useful.

  12. These are great tips. I definitely think having set days you release a post always helps. Not only so readers know when to expect something new to read but also because you get into a routine of promoting your work too.

    1. Hi, Kelly, yes being consistent is key. Thanks for your feedback.

  13. lindseydelossantos Avatar

    Thank you for these tips as I try to find ways to get my blog out there to reach more readers. My intent is to help people. Linking my blog to others would be a new strategy. Thank you!

    1. You are welcome Lindsey!

  14. Life By Deanna Avatar
    Life By Deanna

    Great tips! It’s hard when you first get started but these are awesome ways to increase your views!

    1. Hi Deanna, glad you found this useful.

  15. Amazing tips, definitely collaborating with other bloggers is essential..

    1. Hi, am grateful for your visit.

  16. As a new blogger this was super helpful. Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Belle, thanks for reading.

  17. You mention some important tips and I think a crucial one is consistency. In the beginning is easy to get discouraged but we have to understand it takes time to generate traffic.
    Having an e-mail list is also important (more than social media) and of course, like you said, backlinks.Thanks for the article.

    1. Hi Mayra, I really appreciate your insightful feedback. Yes consistency is key!

  18. Super helpful advice, it is so easy to expect people to just find your blog and read it but it does take some work x x

  19. Very simple, yet effective ways to get traffic!

    1. Hi Samantha, thanks for dropping by!

  20. These are simple and effective ways to get traffic to a blog. Thanks for sharing!

  21. It is extremely important to promote your blog post but the most important is to produce content that people want to read and content that is helpful.

  22. It is extremely important to backlink and alert people whenever you make a blog post. I would always tweet and tag individuals who are discussed in my post with the thought they would retreat me.

  23. I enjoy your site very much and find many interesting, informative, and useful information every time I visit!

    1. Hi Shirley, am grateful for your feedback. Welcome.

    2. It is hard to be patient, but thanks for the ideas

      1. Hi, thanks for reading.

  24. Very helpful advice. This is a great post you have written.

    1. Hey Marianne, am grateful for the positive feedback. Welcome.

  25. Danica Anne Panganiban Avatar
    Danica Anne Panganiban

    these are all noted. I am on my second month of blogging and struggling to increase traffic.

    1. Hi Danica, thanks for visiting. It takes time. Don’t worry.

  26. Great Tips. Thanks for the advice.

  27. Great tips he thou are very clear ad on point, as sometimes can be overwhelming all the information about this topic,thanks for sharing !

  28. Insightful article – good tips! Thanks.

  29. allie's fashion alley Avatar
    allie’s fashion alley

    Great tips all around!

  30. Thank you for sharing this. Patience is the key to everything. With diligence and hard work, good traffic can be achieved.

    1. Hi, I totally agree, nothing good comes that easy and fast, sometimes you have to work and wait!

  31. Thanks for the knowledge transfer. Linking your blogs to other blogs .. can you explain more on it.

    1. Hi, I have written a post on Link Building, You can check it out for more information on the same: Effective Ways to Build Links on your Blog.

  32. Thank you the information was very helpful. I’ve been having trouble getting traffic, but I’m trying not to get too discouraged.

    1. Keep working, actually I started my blog like 10 months ago, so I know the struggles you go through with traffic. I use Social media to drive most of my traffic especially Facebook groups and pinterest.

  33. Great tips. Thanks a lot.

  34. I love the part about search. I’ve been on so many websites where I can’t find a search bar, but it’s so important! And sharing your posts… this was a great list!

    1. Hi Allie, thanks very much.

  35. This is such a helpful post, I’ve definitely noticed a change in my traffic since doing some of these for my blog!
    Thanks for the great tips.

    Emeli xxx

    1. Hi Emeli, am glad that these tips are useful, and bringing in positive results.

  36. Great tips. Engagement is so important. I have built blogging relationships on line, that have been very helpful. Thank you – Charlene –

    1. Hi Charlene, thanks for commenting on this post. Yes, Engagement is the key to successful blogging.

  37. Very helpful tips. I didn’t know some of these!

    1. Hi Angie, grateful for dropping by.

  38. Good tips. Especially the friends and family. I think we often overlook that aspect.

    1. Hi Laina, grateful for your comments.

  39. You had me until you suggested that a person should pay for traffic. I would disagree with this – BECAUSE that will typically increase your bounce rate and lower your ranking with search engines. But otherwise good post.

    1. Hi Brandie, thanks for dropping by. Paid search is used especially if you are selling products and you want to drive customers say to your store but for a normal blog, I wouldn’t suggest paid traffic. Google Adwords is what drives paid search.

  40. These are a amazing tips for new blogger.I am still new and in love with my blog.

  41. I am new to blogging and i love learning new things about blogging and getting my blog out there.

    1. Hi Kristal, thanks for your comments.

  42. Great tips thanks so much for the share

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by.

  43. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan Avatar
    Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    Simple and practical tips for beginners. Easy to follow yet can be rewarded wiht faithful traffic.

    Gayathri @ Musings Over Nothing

    1. Hi Gayathri, thanks for taking your time to make the comments. Yes, these tips can guide any blogger to increase traffic to their blogs.

  44. Thanks for the great tips and reminder to be patient! I found your link to this in our shared Facebook group for bloggers! I just launched a week ago and am anxious to see those views fly up!

    1. Hi Allie, am grateful for your comments. Even after implementing all these tips, you need to be patient to see major changes in your traffic. The key is to remain active.

  45. Generating steady traffic takes lots of time, patience and dedication. In addition, we have to formulate a traffic plan and stick to it: “rinse and repeat” and it will pay off over time.

    1. Hi Brian, thanks for your insights. Yes, Successful blogging is all about Planning, being patient and working hard & smart.

  46. that is very nice article i love to read your articles thankyou very much … looking more here in future … 🙂

    1. Hi Mark, Thanks for dropping by.

  47. Nikhila Avatar

    Very helpful for beginner bloggers. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Nikhila, grateful for your comments.

  48. Great tips. I’m using most of these myself to increase traffic to my blog but probably need to step up on some as well.

    1. Hi Vladimir, Grateful for your comments.

  49. Great information, i lovd to read more

    1. Hi Paras, thanks for dropping by.

  50. Owen Kariuki Avatar
    Owen Kariuki

    The tips are great for beginner bloggers and those of us who don’t know a bit about Google Analytics. I personally use Pinterest and Snapchat where I get a lot of views to promote my blog.

    1. Hi Owen, thanks for your comments. I use Pinterest too, but most of my traffic come from Facebook. Pinterest I understand can also be a big source of traffic if used well.

  51. Great tips, especially about everything taking some time. Patience and persistence is key.

    1. Hi Erin, grateful for your comments. Yes Patience is the key.

  52. Awesome tips! This will surely help my blog traffic, thanks for the advice!

    Pammy –

    1. Hi Pammy, thanks for your comments.

  53. Me too trynna get traffic n its really tough. Follow for a follow back

    1. Hi Simran, if you get followers especially in your niche, they can provide a reliable audience.

  54. Excellent advice. I notice that with blogging, like all social media, being “social” is the key. Visiting other blogs and leaving comments almost always results in reciprocity which often kick-starts an online relationship. 😀

    1. Yes, most of my Traffic comes from Social media but it doesn’t come that easy, I have to engage myself with fellow bloggers, sharing, commenting, answering questions etc.

  55. darlingceo Avatar

    Great tips! I think getting on a schedule is important for so many reasons! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yes, scheduling can Increase your productivity when it comes to blog writing and promotions.

  56. Very useful..I am also trying to get some traffic on my blog.

    1. Thanks for your comments.

  57. Very helpful, thanks for sharing 🙂 I love articles like this.

    1. Hi, grateful for your comments.

  58. Great advice…also time. To start ranking in SEO your site just needs some time 🙂

    1. Hi Rogers, yes it takes time, if you check carefully the sites that are ranking now you find that, they have been around for sometime.

    1. Thanks for dropping by.

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