Free Ways to Promote Your Blog

Most bloggers fail simply because they can’t drive traffic to their blogs. Bloggers who succeed will tell you that they spend more time promoting their content than writing. Writing quality content without making it known to the relevant audience is one of the biggest mistakes made by bloggers. In this article we are going to look at ways in which you can promote your blog content freely.

Identify top communities and Q & A sites in your niche

Sites likeย Quoraย , Yahoo answers, Facebook groups and any otherย Social media communitiesย etc. can be a good source of traffic, all you need to do is to participate in relevant popular discussions and occasionally include a link back to your blog.

Leverage hashtags when promoting your articles on social media

18 Free ways to promote your blog

You can boost your readership by using #hashtags when promoting your articles on social media. By using relevant hashtags you make your content easy to discover when people search for content in your niche and this can benefit you should the hashtag trend while using it.  

You can also read: Content Promotional Communities that every Blogger needs.

Master the best time to post

Research has shown that the success of a viral campaign can be influenced by the time that campaign started. Find out the best time to post an article on your blog and use this knowledge to effectively promote your content.

Use images in all your blog posts

Research shows that articles with images get 94% more views compared to articles without images. Ensure that every article on your blog includes one or more relevant and appealing images, and this will significantly boost traffic to your blog.

You can also read: 10 Common Mistakes made by bloggers

Retweet old articles

Since only a small percentage of your Twitter followers will engage with your tweet, make it a habit to occasionally re-tweet your old blog posts to increase the engagement with your followers.  Most successful bloggers routinely share their old articles, this ensures that people who did not see their content at first will see it later.

Write for the scanner

From research, most web users won’t read more than 28% of words on a website. This means that, while having longer, comprehensive posts will help your search engine rankings, it won’t increase the chances of your content being read. Note that the more people read your content, the more shares it has, and hence more traffic. It is advisable to write your content for scanners by using Headings and subheadings, bold italics, numbering and bullets. This way you make your blog content more presentable and scannable, boosting traffic to your blog.

Listen to your readers

Ask your readers what content they want to read about the most and create your content based on popular demand.

Implement basic SEO

Taking write measures when it comes to SEO can double your blog traffic within a short period of time. Simple tasks like using the right title tags, having a catchy description, ensuring that your site is easy to navigate etc. can lead to a significant increase in traffic to your site.

You can also read: Basic On-Site SEO Techniques for Bloggers

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Invite others to guest post on your blog

If you invite others to write for you, especially if they have a much bigger reach than you do, they are more likely to share their guest post with their readers, this can result to more traffic to your blog.

Link to authoritative sources

If you blog constantly links to authoritative websites and resources that are relevant to your niche, Google will assume that you are a good and authoritative resource in your niche, and they will rank you better, leading into more traffic.

18 Free ways to promote your blog

Use Internal links

Internal links are part of your on-page SEO and quality internal links will impact your search rankings in the search engines. Ensure you regularly link to relevant pages and articles on your blog.

You can also read: 10 Effective ways of building links on your blog.

Promote your blog on top forums in your niche

Focus on making valuable contributions to the forum in form of ideas, response to discussions then link back to your blog in the forum signature. This can increase the traffic to your blog.

Feature other bloggers in your articles and ask them to share 

Regularly link to other bloggers in your articles and email all of them to let them know about your articles, many of them will share your articles, resulting in lots of traffic to your blog.

You can also read: Blog and Reviews for Digital Business Marketing

Comment on other blogs

The right comment on a highly authoritative blog can send you lots of traffic. Identify top blogs in your niche and start interacting and commenting on a regular basis. This will get the blogger and his/her audience to notice you and visit your blog leading to an increase in traffic.

Optimize your blog for search engines

Note that search engines are the major source of traffic to the most established blogs like Shoutmeloud.  Therefore don’t ignore SEO.

Guest blog

Look for blog that is bigger than yours and write an article for that blog. You will be allowed to have a bio that includes a link to your site in your guest post. This can result in a lot of traffic for you.

Publish more articles

No matter your niche, research has shown that publishing more content will always lead to an increase in traffic to your site.

Publish longer content

Research has also shown that Google and other search engines give preference to longer, comprehensive articles. Articles that are 3000-10000 words get twice as many shares  than those that are less than 1000.

The bottom line

The above are just but some of the ways you can promote your blog. They are more other ways some free and others paid which I haven’t mentioned. Some of them are a must do for those who want to succeed in the world of blogging. It is upon the blogger to choose which is the best way to promote his/her site. 

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373 responses to “Free Ways to Promote Your Blog”

  1. Indeed these are great guides and very informative.

    1. Hi, thanks very much.

  2. These tips are amazing! I am a new blogger and these tips are certainly resourceful as I and still learning all these strategies. Thanks

  3. Thanks for the helpful insight.
    Besic SEO is really a must for new bloggers like us.

  4. These are great – especially for us beginners. Thanks so much (followed and pinned :))

  5. OMG what an awesomely post this is.
    You brainy, keep going.

    1. Hi Hemanth, appreciated.

  6. Nice round up of tips to promote our posts. I need to learn more about SEO.It still befuddles me.

    1. Hi Herlina, thanks for visiting again. Are you using Yoast SEO plugin on your blog? It can guide you to write SEO friendly posts. With time, you get to learn what SEO is all about.

  7. techieknowledge17 Avatar

    Not only social media or engaged with some blogger groups but you need to put some keywords on your blog, this is will help your blog easy to find in any search engine like: google, yahoo, bing. Go to semrush to find what kind any popular for your blog before you start. Its’ free. You can use daily. This is also will help you to find high cpc keywords if you want to apply for google adsense.

    1. Yes, Writing SEO friendly articles is a good way of getting them ranked. I would recommend Yoast plugin plus keyword search as the best way to start to writing SEO friendly posts.

  8. A very useful post with the quick tips. You may focus on the Ad networks suggested, with their pros and cons!

    – AM
    Blogger at

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting, actually physics was one of my best subjects in high school and am glad that you are writing on the same topic. Welcome.

  9. Great tips. I use these on adaily basis and i admit these help!

    1. Hi Monika, welcome.

  10. Great tips. Though I’m not so sure about the “post more often” one. There re many bloggers who’ve made lots of case studies on the topic and showed how they’re blog was just fine with one article per month. Given that you do spend the rest of the time promoting and getting backlinks to that article.

    1. Hi Livia, you can keep the frequency of posting lower, but keep consistency that your audience know that they will get a new post at a given day of the week or month.

  11. Thanks for sharing these tips! I’m always interested in learning more about promotion and gaining traffic/followers. Bookmarking and sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks for your comments, yes learning is the key to becoming better blogger.

  12. I tried using Quora but I found that it was all spammy type of stuff.

    1. Hi, you need to pick a given niche and be active for better results with Quora. If you can portray yourself as an expert in a particular topic or niche, then Quora can work for you.

  13. These are very helpful tips. My blog is still young and there are many things I do not know yet, like most of these tips. Promoting my blog is something I have just recently really started putting my energy to. This post was perfect! Thank you so much!

  14. I knew some but not all! I will try to impliment them into my promotion routine!
    Thank you,

  15. There are some great tips here and ones that I totally need to implement. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Great tips. Sharing on twitter <3

  17. Good tips. I’m currently working on most of these. You’re definitely write when you say that bloggers spend most of their time promoting their content!

    1. Hi, Writing quality content and promoting it to reach desired audience is the key to successful blogging, otherwise thanks for your comments.

  18. I always love to read your posts as they are very much important for all blogger. I have bookmarked your site. Thanks again for sharing the post.

    1. Appreciated. Welcome again.

  19. Thank you for sharing, this really helps a lot!

  20. These are good ideas!

  21. I love to reshare old articles! A lot of them are good so why just post them once and forget about them? You have some great tips!

    1. Appreciated. You are welcomed again.

  22. Great tips! I’m still figuring out this whole SEO thing. I know that’s a big deal when it comes to getting your blog seen. Also, I also make it a point to pay close attention to what my readers say and what they respond to.

    1. Thanks for those insightful comments.

  23. Very Informative post! Thanks.

  24. lifeofwanderlusters Avatar

    Amazing tips here, I knew some of them, but others are new. I love the part of writing for the scanner, I find doing that myself, so its good to think about it while writing. Great psot!

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting again. You are welcomed again.

  25. Thanks for sharing these tips!

  26. Thanks for taking the time to write this article. Definitely bookmarking this article to come back to in the future. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Hilda, am grateful for those nice comments. You are welcomed.

  27. You know I always learn so much from your blogs and this one was definitely needed. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi, I appreciate your visit and comments. You are welcomed again.

  28. You have some really good pointers. I need to post some of my older blogs on my social media.

    1. Hi Crystal I appreciate your visit and comments. Welcome.

  29. Very helpful and informative. I have already bookmarked the post.

  30. You live and learn from the mistakes made. There are some great tips on this.

  31. Helpful tips for this newbie ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for pulling together and sharing!

    1. Hi, your comments highly appreciated.

  32. Thanks for the tips! Will definitely try to implement them ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Hi, thanks for the visit, and taking time to comment on this post.

  33. Thanks for the great tips ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. A very good article and ideas that I will
    Take onboard.

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