8 Reasons your Blog Traffic is very Low and How to Fix it

As a blogger, you do everything right to make sure that your content is good and of high quality, but one thing keeps you back in your tracks, and that is traffic. Traffic numbers matters so much to a blogger because this is what determines your success online. In this article we are going to look at some of the  reasons that may be contributing to the low blog traffic.  

Reasons your blog traffic is very low and how to fix it

You write more than you promote

Though creating a blog post say weekly has high chances of generating a flow of organic traffic, it is not guaranteed. Please note that no matter how good your content is, if you have no website or brand authority, then no one will find it in search engines or news feed. It is advisable that you spend 80% on content promotion, and 20% on creation. There are so many ways to promote your content, using social media is one of the most commonly used ways.

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Your site user experience is bad

If your site isn’t friendly, no one will want to visit it, no matter how great your content might be. If you publish something your audience wants to read, they may opt to go somewhere else for the same information just because your site is unfriendly to them. You can fix this by improving on the performance of your site in terms of loading time. Make sure it takes not more than 3 seconds to fully load. Don’t use intrusive pop ups that block the reader from reading the content. Ensure your blog design is good and enables the users to navigate to different web pages easily and lastly make sure your site is mobile responsive, this will also ensure that you rank in the mobile SERPs.

Also read: How to Improve the WordPress Site Speed & Performance

You aren’t active on social media

Note that social media plays a big part in traffic generation besides the search engines. If you can build your presence on social media networks by growing your followers and engaging with them, then you will benefit from the large traffic generated by these networks. Facebook groups if well use can drive large traffic, I personally use them and have seen my traffic skyrocket. Find groups in your niche and join, read the rules before doing anything then engage the members by making contributions through: asking questions, commenting while dropping links from your blog where necessary  Pinterest is also another good source of traffic, try as much as possible to join group boards, this is where big traffic comes from. There are other online communities that you can join besides Facebook groups, here I would recommend you read: Content Promotional Communities.

Your Content is not of high quality

If you write posts without enough research, with little to no helpful information, then people won’t find a good reason why they should visit your site. Note that driving traffic is one thing, getting them to stay is another. Make sure your content is of high quality to keep your readers yearning for more. You can write high quality content that is optimized for the web at the same time by doing the following:

  • Using Bold and italics for emphasis
  • Including images or multimedia within your content
  • Backing up your claims with proof, links and sources
  • Using Short paragraphs
  • Using keyword tools to find highly searched phrases
  • Exploring online communities to find questions being asked in your niche

If you study your target audience carefully, you will find the right topics to write about, which will translate to more traffic to your blog.

You are using keywords that are out of scope

While writing good content is the best thing to do, there is no guarantee that you will be able to achieve high rankings. The SERPs will give the top rankings to authority websites such as Entrepreneur or Ebay. So if you are targeting highly sort keywords, there are chances that you may never come near to the top 10 ranking. To solve this, you can use targeted long-tail keywords. If your aim is building an authority site, then it will take time for you to rank but you can keep doing the right things with regard to SEO and content creation.

Related: How to increase your blog traffic and views

Your blog is not optimized for search engines

If you site is optimized for search engines, you stand a chance to benefit from free traffic coming from search. Without implementing SEO on your site, then you stand almost zero chance of appearing in the search. To optimize your site, you need to install and configure a SEO plugin like Yoast. You also need to install Google Analytics, Search Console and a XML sitemap. Google analytics allows you to track your site’s overall traffic. The search console allows you to keep track of your search presence and the XML sitemaps provide a way for Google bots to crawl your site.

Read more on SEO:

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Blog traffic

You have no or poor backlinks

Note that backlinks plays a very important role when it comes to SEO and search rankings. Most web pages that rank in the top 4 SERPs usually have-quality links directing browsers to them. They also have authority, meaning that their link profile consists of dozens of backlinks from their industry’s best. If you have no links on your site, then that could be the reason you don’t have any traffic from search. You can solve this problem by simply commenting on other blogs, guest blogging while linking back to your site.

Also read: 10 Effective and Safe ways of building links on your blog

Your headlines aren’t click-worthy

The headlines are the first thing any internet user will see before they make the ultimate decision of whether to visit your site or not. If your headlines are not compelling, chances are that you won’t get many clicks. There is an easy formula you can employ for a clickable headline → number +adjective + keyword + promise 

For example: 10 Tested & Proven ways of list building that will triple the number of your subscribers.

The Bottom Line

Having a reliable traffic to your site, is not an overnight job, but it is a continuous process that requires hard work. All you need to do is learn how it is done.

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401 responses to “8 Reasons your Blog Traffic is very Low and How to Fix it”

  1. Sophia Avatar

    Thanks, it is a really helpful summary!

  2. Blogging is a lot of constant effort and work.

    1. True, thanks for dropping by!

  3. jimmy clare Avatar
    jimmy clare

    i would love to promote more but so many annoying 3rd party companies get in my way

    1. Hi, sometimes social media networks may reduce the reach of articles but try to be creative in the way you share, to avoid repeatedly sharing same content over and over again.

  4. These are all great tips. I am currently working on improving most of them for my site. I like the idea you presented for the headline. It’s the first time I see it presented as a formula. It’s very helpful!

    1. Hi Nelly, am glad you found this article a helpful resource. Thanks very much for your feedback!

  5. Getting traffic is not easy. Nice post. Useful.

    1. Hi, thanks for reading!

  6. Thank you for a very good post! I appreciate all your tips and I will definitely check myself and how I do stuff with my blog. Thank you yet again!

    1. Hello, am grateful for the positive feedback. Hope this will help you achieve your content marketing goals.

  7. world travel explorers Avatar
    world travel explorers

    Thanks for your tips, definitely picked up a few things to help our site ????

    1. Hi, am grateful for your feedback. Welcome.

  8. Very helpful – thank you!

  9. Thanks for sharing! These are all great tips to keep in mind. Some I am definitely doing better than others, like keywords.

    1. Hi Tracy, I appreciate your feedback.

  10. Thanks for the tips in this very informative article, John. I learn so much from your posts. Longtail keywords and understanding how I can use these in my posts are my current focus. The printout that I made on this should help as they show me competition and trending percentages. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

    1. Hi, glad you found this help. I really appreciate your feedback.

  11. Very useful post, will follow all tips and heading to next post of yours, thanks:)

    Deepti | https://perspectiveofdeepti.blogspot.com/2020/07/things-to-do-on-friendship-day.html

  12. Yes, I completely agree, that blogging is important for SEO. I also read the somewhat same article, and I think you also should see these 8 reasons why blogging is important for SEO.

    1. True, thanks for reading.

  13. This is such a helpful post

  14. This is helpful. I’m a new blogger and I have seen the mistakes I’m making.

    1. Hey Ruth, thanks for dropping by.

  15. I’m always looking for ways to get more visitors to my site. Thanks for the info.

    1. You are welcomed!

  16. Improving my loading time is something that I need to do. Any tips?

    1. Hi Ema, you can read my article on how to improve the loading speed of your website. You can also consider using plugins like Nitropack.

  17. I agree with your statement on the 80, 20 rule. Great post!

  18. Kari | MoneyfortheMamas Avatar
    Kari | MoneyfortheMamas

    Site speed is so very important to getting traffic! Seconds count!

    1. True, am grateful for your visit Kari!

  19. Thank you for sharing. I just recently started blogging and am always looking for ways to improve. I will be using some of these tips.

    1. Hi, glad you found this article helpful. Thanks.

  20. Much needed info for me and clearly explained. Thank you

  21. these are wonderful tips, I really do appericate you sharing them with us. Which I will be implementing some of these. to improve my blog traffic too.

    1. Hi Laura, appreciated!

  22. Great advice!

    1. Noted. Thanks.

  23. These are really helpful, thanks! I really never put much emphasis on promoting myself until recently, and even a little push now and again goes a long way to being found!

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate your feedback.

  24. Definitely a good list! I’ve been trying to apply most of these to get better traffic. I even recently got my xml sitemap up and running for Google to crawl. It’s all hard work but definitely worth it!

    1. Hi Hanny, am grateful for you visit. Welcome.

  25. Thanks for sharing this. You explained everything very clearly and I am now going to work on my long tailed key words. Very helpful tips.

    1. Hi Shirley, thanks for your feedback!

  26. Great information! I didn’t know about backlinks so thank you for that!

    1. Hi Darlene, glad to learn that you found this post useful. Thanks.

  27. theGlobeTrevor Avatar

    Some really good tips here. So many things to remember. At least im doing some of these. Thanks for the tips.

  28. Really helpful advice. We all need to remember that there is so much more to blogging than just writing. If only it was that easy hey!

    1. True, I appreciate your feedback!

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