9 Common Social Media Mistakes

Social media networks if well used can be one of the biggest sources of traffic to your site. Most bloggers get to social media hoping to benefit from the big traffic presence there but get frustrated when things don’t work out as they anticipated. In this article we look at some of the common social media mistakes most users make on these networks that could be contributing to them not getting the best results in terms of traffic to their websites or engagements on their posts. 

Sharing only your own content

Sharing only your own content may not lead to your fan base growing that much, in fact your audience may get bored by the same content coming from same source. Try as much as possible to share content from other sources, this will increase engagement and your audience base will grow significantly.

9 common social media mistakes

Posting the same content across different platforms

Try as much as possible to understand the different social media platforms that you are using in terms of their content expectations. Having tailored content for each platform increases reach and engagement. E.g. Content related to careers will work well on LinkedIn better than other networks, Hashtags can help increase your reach on Instagram but they quite don’t  have the same effect on Facebook.

Focusing on quantity over quality

Posting less but quality content will increase your reach and engagement. Reducing the number of posts that you make in a day, enables you to focus more on the quality of the posts rather than quantity.

Not uploading videos onto social media platforms

Note that native videos are likely to be shared more times than YouTube videos on social media platforms. So ensure that you upload your videos directly to your social media other than posting YouTube links.

Not boosting the right posts

When it comes to Facebook ads, do not just boost any posts that you think may perform well, rather look for those existing Facebook posts that have a high engagement rate. This gives you an indication of how successful the post is likely to be when boosted. To find details on engagement rate, go to your Facebook page insights posts tab, there you can be able to see the engagement rates for the published posts. Boost the posts with highest engagement rates.

Related Resources: Social Media Marketing for Small Business, how to create a successful strategy

Not replying to questions on social media

Try as much as possible to reply quickly to all the mentions and messages on your Facebook page, Twitter profile and Instagram profile from one place say by using your preferred social media monitoring and engagement  tool.  If you respond to your audience, they are likely to come back or share the good experience with other people.

Not targeting a specific audience for your content

Try to limit your posts to the relevant audience, for example by using Facebook, you can easily target your posts to a given audience that is more relevant to what you are promoting hence increasing the engagement rate.

Using only landscape videos and images

If you compare Landscape & Square videos and images, you will notice that Square videos and images tend to perform better on Facebook page and Twitter profile. Therefore it is worth trying to experiment to find out which videos and images perform better.

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Being on all social media platforms

Take stock of your social media profiles and consider channels that are performing for you and those that aren’t. You can decide to stop using certain platforms if they are not working for you. Fewer channels enables you focus more on better content and engage more with your audience.

You can also read: 10 Common mistakes bloggers make

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275 responses to “9 Common Social Media Mistakes”

  1. These tips were really helpful!

    1. H Jacqie, thanks for dropping by.

  2. letsgoawandering Avatar

    Great Information and very helpful when changing social media plan… thank you

  3. Your posts are always informative and thought provoking. I am at the point where I am getting conversions but I am overwhelmed with so many social media platforms. My next blog post will be another feature that I call Meet the Artist. These are virtual interviews with other artists and I when I did the first two I realized that the backlinks brought in new people interested in the niche that serves me. Now I need to look at which platform to concentrate on and I think this might be Instagram.

    1. Hi, thanks for your insightful feedback. Yes, you need to invest your time and resources in the network where you get the most engagement.

  4. Very helpful information, thank you! I’ve been promoting other bloggers’ work as well as my own primarily on Twitter. Time to expand to one or two more outlets.

    1. Hi, I appreciated your feedback.

  5. Thank you for sharing. You are right it’s not necessary to be on all social media apps. Something I need to unlearn

    1. Hi Raki, glad you learned something from this post. Thanks.

  6. Hey John, Thanks for sharing this article. It has well-explained the mistakes that most of the businesses make in social media marketing. And I am completely agree with you, most of the businesses jump into social media marketing without any proper planning and end up doing most of these mistakes. Hopefully now they’ll get to learn from your blog.

    1. Hi Jackson, yes, succeeding at social media marketing requires a plan. Thanks.

  7. Loved your tip about not being on too many platforms. I think people think they need to be everywhere, when sometimes that keeps them from engaging. Great tips!!

    1. True, focusing on what brings in the most results is the best way of leveraging the power of social media marketing.

  8. Thanks for sharing this! Great advice

  9. Thanks for sharing this, social media is tricky, and knowing what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it is helpful. I like the tip at the end about being on all social media, because it is a time-waster. So, it is better to focus on only the platforms that drive traffic to your website.

    1. True! thanks for your feedback.

  10. Awesome article! thanks for sharing. 🙂

  11. Thanks for the info. I need to experiment with videos.

    1. Hi Erin, you are welcomed.

  12. Awesome article John! I rarely read articles about social media mistakes and I must say yours is well written. I like it when you said to try as much as possible to understand the different social media platforms that you are using in terms of their content expectations. Having tailored content for each platform increases reach and engagement.

    Angela Giles | http://www.angelagiles.com

    1. Hi Angela, thanks for visiting and for your insightful comments.

  13. I had never thought about square images and videos getting more traffic! I think you are right though. I will have to try and implement this going forward. I also need to reply to comments quicker and will be looking into some of the tools that you suggest. Thanks John!

    1. Hi Rachel, I really appreciate your feedback! You are welcomed.

  14. Guilty of a few of these. I’ll keep this article as a guide. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Very helpful tips. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Just starting to use social media to promote my blog. Having read your article I am making a couple of mistakes so will need to rectify these.

    1. Thanks for visiting. Am glad you found this helpful.

  17. Stevie-Mari Avatar

    Wow great tips! While I do most of them I’m definitely going to practice the ones I don’t!

    1. Thanks for your feedback!

  18. These are great tips! I never would have thought of some of these!

  19. I agree with the last point. I try to focus on Facebook and Twitter because it is Instagram enhancement is low!

  20. Thank you for these tips. I’m slowly learning more about operating with social media so any help I get such as this is appreciated.

    1. Hi Lee, you are welcomed.

  21. These are all really great tips! I had not even thought about square photos versus landscape. Along with videos! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting. Welcome.

  22. All of your tips were very active and on point. A learned a lot of new things and also stuff that I already do but need to be consistent on. Especially sharing others content!! I will share this post on Twitter. And start to follow you blog for more tips!!

    1. Hi Chastity, am glad this was a helpful post to you. You are most welcomed.

  23. This is some great information. I definitely don’t want to make these social media mistakes.

    1. Hi Shannon, am glad you’ve learned something from the post.

  24. Social media is meant to be engaging and social (hence the name “social media”) and for organizations, more engagement on social media can translate into increased brand awareness, higher traffic to your site and more prospects in your marketing funnel. As you build trusted followers in your online community and give them quality content that’s relevant to them, you’ll see an increase in people viewing, liking and sharing your posts. But posts without the qualities that people like and share won’t engage anyone, won’t build your brand and won’t drive traffic back to your site and into your marketing funnel.

    1. Hi Monidipa, thanks very much for your insightful feedback! I totally agree with your points. Its all about producing high quality posts that people like that will attract high engagement.

  25. Such a great and very informative post I had the same mistake when I started using social media. So this post can be very heloful to others.

    1. Hey Preet, am grateful for your comments.

  26. Catherine Santiago Jose Avatar
    Catherine Santiago Jose

    This is such an amazing post and very informative as well. I’ve totally agree with everything you’ve cited here, this will definitely be a great help to all those bloggers out there.

    1. Hi Catherine, I really appreciate your feedback on this post.

  27. Jacque Hooper Avatar
    Jacque Hooper

    You always help me see things from a better perspective; thank you for sharing these tips, I need to remember quality over quantity is best.

  28. Elena Toma Avatar
    Elena Toma

    This is such an amazing article, very useful ! I can relate to all the mistakes you mentioned here !

    1. Hi Elena, thanks for your honest feedback.

  29. This is such a helpful article. Facebook. Groups are super important. Of all.. Facebook seems a little hard to get through
    But currently with all social media metrics getting tougher to compete with.. Social media marketing is on a rise.

    1. True, many bloggers are driving most of the traffic to their sites just with social media marketing.

  30. I couldn’t agree less with everything that you stated here. Thank for sharing these insightful tips.

    1. Hey Lydia, I appreciate your feedback very much.

  31. Really enjoyed this post – I need to work on my social media platforms, Instgram is the only one that I fully engage in so I need to make more effort.

    1. Hi Natalie, thanks for the visit.

  32. Social media is a huge part of blogging nowadays. It is very important to keep focus divided and not let your reader get bored. I am very guilty of being too lazy to make enough videos, I am more of a photo person myself. Awesome work on really most common mistakes

    1. Hi Lyosha, thanks for your insightful feedback.

  33. These are some great tips – I could probably share more of other peoples’ content. I will keep this in mind. I agree with you completely on quality over quantity!

    1. Thanks for your honest feedback Alexandra!

  34. Mosaics Lab Avatar
    Mosaics Lab

    Great great post, love it! I agree with all your insights especially in regards to sharing the same content across different channels, that is a big no no for us.


    1. Hi Chad, thanks for visiting.

  35. Create. Play. Travel. Avatar
    Create. Play. Travel.

    These are great tips. I’ve noticed YouTube links don’t get as much traction on Facebook. I mostly focus on Instagram for daily posts.

    1. Yes put more focus where you get more results.

  36. I LOVE that you opened with the mistake of sharing only your own content. You have to mix it up and encourage interaction. Unfortunately, I still see so many people making this error.

    1. Hi Stacie, true, when you focus only on sharing your content, it’s difficulty attracting other people from other niches.

  37. These are all such great tips! I keep telling my clients these same things all the time.

    1. Hey Alison, glad you found this a helpful read!

  38. These are great tips, and pictures really do make posts stand out more than just words! #GlobalBlogging

    1. Hi Heather, true! I appreciate your visit.

  39. Very helpful article, thanks for sharing

  40. Great article. I find boosting Facebook posts is quite useless and money wasting from personal experience, but the other points are spot on!

    1. Hi, Boosting works well if you want to increase your post reach but I wouldn’t recommend it if you want to drive more traffic to your blog.

  41. notquitesupermommn Avatar

    Trying to understand all the various social media channels can be overwhelming. I appreciate your straight to the point, helpful advice.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Welcome.

  42. I think I am making all of these mistakes, thank you for pointing them out! Only half kidding. Great information, as usual. I really learn alot from all of your posts and look forward to reading them.

    1. Hi Jenny, I really appreciate your feedback. As always, you are welcomed.

  43. This is such an eye opener for me. I’ve seen my mistakes and I’ll work on them. Thanks!

    1. Hi Noor, thanks for the feedback. Welcome.

  44. Thank you, I find it all time consuming, being creative and imaginative is key, need to spend time on this rather then posting, posting 🙂

    1. Sure! thanks for reading.

  45. I appreciated the blogging tips. The one that stands out to me the most is boosting the FB posts with engagement. I had to hear that one from a competitor, when my own hired SEO company never made that kind of recommendation.

    1. Hi Ryan, thanks for your comments. Boosting the posts with the most engagements brings in the most results than just boosting any posts, that is why you have to use insights statistics well when selecting posts to boost on Facebook.

    1. Hi Brenda, thanks for reading!

  46. […] You can also read: 9 Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes. […]

  47. […] You can also read: Social Media Mistakes […]

  48. Good information! Thank you!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I appreciate your visit.

  49. This was very informative. I need to start changing the ways in which I move on social media. Thanks.

    1. Hi Lou, glad to know that you’ve picked some learning points from the post. Thanks.

  50. Thanks so much for these tips! I’ll make sure to apply them! I’ve been blogging for about 6 months now and never stop learning about what works best with each social media channel. They’re all so different!

    1. Hi Erika, am glad this post was helpful to your online work. Thanks for visiting.

  51. Thank you for the useful tips. I’ll have to try the video tip.

    1. Hi Jada, am glad to see that you’ve picked some tips for implementation from this post. I appreciate your visit and feedback.

  52. Short, to the point, yet highly valuable! I loved reading this post. Thanks for the great advice!

    1. Thanks very much for visiting and nice feedback.

  53. Love the last piece of advice. It’s all about focus 🙂 Great article.

    1. Hi, thanks very much for visiting. Lets keep the focus in this new year!

  54. I adore Facebook groups. I am a member of quite a few because people keep dropping me into them. However, there are some that are really wonderful and supportive.

    1. Dr. Elise, thanks for visiting. I believe if you select Facebook groups especially those that are suited to your niche, and be active, then you stand a high chance of driving people to your blog. I personally drive more than 70% of my traffic from Facebook groups, and have come to appreciate their importance when building an online community for a blog.

  55. Thank you for this helpful information! I can use all the helpful information I can get regarding to social media! Thank you!

  56. Very useful advice, thank you. I have pinned and shared. I use Crowdfire and Tailwind to help with scheduling as you can tailor content accordingly as you suggest.

    1. Hi Sarah, Thanks for visiting, and taking time to make comments.

  57. I never understood how people can do all the social media platforms… it’s so exhausting!

    1. I think in most cases is due to lack of plan and strategy hence wasting so much time and energy on networks that don’t bring in most results otherwise thanks for visiting.

    2. I agree. I block a certain amount per day and also now concentrate on one platform each month on a rotating monthly basis. I still will engage in the others, but main focus and effort on that months.

      1. When you plan and strategize, you get better results and you can be able to monitor your performance.

  58. I LOVE reading these kind of posts. Well done. Thanks for the good read!

  59. Good advice, especially about the square videos. With Facebook’s upcoming changes, video is going to be more important than ever.

    1. Hi Leslie, thanks for dropping by, Videos provide more engagements and as move to the future, it will be one of the preferred formats of passing down a message to your audience

  60. Congratulations John. You won the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party two weeks in a row! You’ll be featured on my site again this Monday.

    1. Thanks again Janice for the win. Looking forward to this!!

  61. very valuable tips. someone suggested to post old post links in social media. Is that good? You mean only career related post links is good for linkedin and no hashtags for fb?

    1. It depends, I usually post old posts once in a while, this brings in additional traffic. Provided the content is of high quality, you can post over and over again. With regard LinkedIn, you will get more engagements on your posts if you post career related posts there, as compared to just any other topic. Find what works well for each network and try to leverage on it.

  62. People ask me for blog advice all the time – specifically – “how can I grow my traffic?”… And my answer is: DO THE WORK – IE: VISIT OTHER PEOPLE’S BLOGS and leave meaningful comments and engage with them! If you want people to visit you, you have to visit them!

    1. Hi, you hit the nail on the head! Blogging is not all about creating content and leaving it there, you need to promote it to your desired audience. Successful bloggers will tell you that they spend more time promoting than writing.

  63. Thanks so much for this. Sometimes I’m a victim of these mistakes

    1. Becoming a successful blogger takes time, so making mistakes is just part of the learning curve, otherwise thanks for dropping by.

  64. Enjoying this very much very useful thank you so much

  65. John – These are great tips for people trying to utilize social media to advance a blog or business. You included more depth and varied your suggestions so I was able to really gain insights from your post.

    1. Appreciated. Am glad that this has given you some useful tips.

  66. Su (ethannevelyn.com) Avatar
    Su (ethannevelyn.com)

    I have completely made these mistakes before too, thank you for sharing though, it’s a good reminder of what we all need to do.

    1. Hi, thanks for the comments.

  67. Jaime Porter Avatar
    Jaime Porter

    As a new blogger, I found this post very informative and helpful! Thanks!

    1. Welcome. All the best in the blogging journey.

  68. Lots of great tips here! There are several things I want to try! What a relief that I can finally let go of twitter!

    1. Hi Jen, yes, it is better to focus on those networks that bring in most results, and redirect more time and energy to them.

  69. Oh, no, I think I’ve been making all these mistakes! Thank you so much for sharing this info! I try to make nice, easy to read posts but having difficulties finding the right target.

    1. Thanks for visiting, all the best.

  70. Thanks for the tips! I especially loved the idea of focusing on quality over quantity. It’s not a race, and I, for one, get tired of seeing “fluff”. I’ll be checking out some of your other posts as well.

  71. This is really helpful! Thank you soo much for sharing I am currenrly just starting out so these are some great tips.

    1. Hi Jayne, am grateful for your visit and your nice comments on this post. Welcome.

  72. Great article, John! I’m encouraged to keep up the good fight as ?

    1. Hi Tanya, am grateful for the visit, you are welcomed.

  73. A very usefull post! Thank you so much for your share 🙂

    1. Hi Mirela, appreciated.

  74. Thanks for the tips. I did not know about the square vs. landscape performance.

  75. As a beginner in blogging, I find this article very helpful and easy to understand. Thanks for posting!

  76. Thanks for this informative post! I have recently started my own social media channels for my website so this was perfect timing 🙂

  77. I could not agree more on sharing only your own content people do get bored. I try to share a post or two a week that is not mine.

    1. Yes, sharing other people’s content, is a great way to increase the audience base, which will benefit your content in the long run.

  78. These are great! Wish I’d read this 3 months ago, lol! I didn’t know about the native videos, that’s very good to know!!

  79. Such great tips! Thank you!

  80. This is certainly food for thought. Can you please tell me why native videos perform better than Youtube videos? Just curious. Thank you for this article!:)

    1. Hi, thanks for passing by, Native videos get more engagements since they are uploaded directly on social media or played directly in the feed as opposed to Youtube videos that are hosted at different place.

  81. Hi John thanks for sharing this. I saw on one of your responses to focus on FB groups – I think I will do that. I also know that I’m not engaging with Twitter at all (mainly focusing in IG as it’s so visual) and am not very comfortable with using twitter – one for the to do list! At the moment my posts from my blog and IG are posted across on twitter. I’ve made notes and will try to implement your tips. New to blogging so a lot to get to grips with at the beginning! 🙂

    1. Hi Miriam, am grateful for those insightful comments. Focusing on few is the right thing to do. Get the best performing networks and use them for maximum results.

  82. Great post! It’s definitely hard not to fall into the trap of signing up for every social media platform out there and posting on all of them. Tumblr and Twitter are my weakest ones and I’m debating on getting rid of them altogether. I don’t do anything on linkedin or google plus because my content I don’t feel will do well. I also agree about boosting other bloggers posts. It always seems like it’s one blogger vs. another but really we are community. We should stick together and help each other out! There’s plenty of room on the internet for all of us! 🙂

    1. Yes, when you share other blogger’s posts you increase your audience, and this works good for you in the long run.

  83. Great article… Thanks for sharing… 🙂

  84. Great post John! I am still new to the blogging world, so every bit of helpful information makes the difference! I am on more than a few social media sites, and I may trim that down some. As of now, I have noticed that Pinterest and Facebook bring in most of my traffic. I’ll work on enhancing my presence there. Thanks!

    1. Hi Bryan am grateful for your comments on the post. The few the better, especially the one’s bringing in more traffic.

  85. Oh wow, this is so good! My social media promotion is the absolute WORST and even as I’m trying bits & bobs I never get anywhere, mainly because I do the exact opposite of these! 😀

    1. Hi Susanna, thanks for dropping by and for your comments. Welcome.

  86. This is a very helpful information

  87. Good article. Great information

  88. All helpful tips! I agree with them!

    1. Your comments appreciated.

  89. I could definitely do more with native videos and posting other’s content. I’m glad I found your site. Definitely helpful.

    1. Hi, thanks for the visit and comments.

  90. Thanks for all these tips :). I am really glad for the tip on how to boost the right post on Facebook ad , because I think I used to post that I liked the most but it might not be the right one to promote my blog. I will try to take a look at my insights before boosting a post.

    Noémie xx

    1. Hi, thanks for the comments. Yes, the most performing post is the best one to boost when using FB ads.

  91. Question- What social media platform do you think is most important for promotion?

    1. Personally Facebook is the best for promotion, 80% of my traffic come from FB, though it comes with a lot of work. You have to be very active in facebook groups to be able to drive any traffic to your blog. The other platform that I use is Pinterest, but am still working on it.

  92. This makes me feel better about the fact that I don’t post multiple times a day or even daily on my social media platforms. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Rebecca, thanks for your comments.

  93. That’s a great set of tips for most new bloggers. I know I will definitely benefit from this.

    Shared the post on my FB page.

    1. Hi Mala, appreciated.

  94. A huge issue I had when I first started taking blogging seriously was trying to maintain every social media platform consistently and it was just too much. Now I’ve limited the social media platforms I use and have a better presence on all of them. There’s a few things you’ve listed that I am guilty of doing so I’ll need to rethink my social media strategy.

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting and for your comments on the post. Focusing on few that work well is the best strategy to use.

  95. mamaimperfection Avatar

    Great tips! Thanks for sharing!

  96. This is really great! Thank you for your post! I could definitely use these tips and I didn’t even know about infolinks

    1. Hi, thanks for the comments. The more you network with other bloggers, the more tips and tricks you will learn from them.

  97. Thanks for sharing, I’ve and working on sharing other content other than just mine here lately and noticed that that has helped. Thank you for sharing these tips.

  98. This was so helpful! Thank you!

  99. Great tips thanks! I’m always struggling to keep up with a all the different platforms!

  100. Really helpful tips! I have learnt something

    1. Thanks for visiting and for the nice comments.

  101. Really good tips! I’m signed up to a few different social medias but I primarily focus on two of them. For some reason. I really struggle with Twitter and have never really been into tweeting lol. I love Instagram the most, I guess I’m a pictures kind of person.

    1. Hi Jenn, focusing on a few that are working for you is the best thing to do. Personally I focus on around 3, and I have seen great positive results with that otherwise thanks for your insightful comments.

  102. These are some great tips! I have the tendency to do this but it’s definitely important to change things up.

    1. Hi Nicole, it is always good to start somewhere, otherwise your comments are highly appreciated.

  103. Thanks for the helpful tips. Right now, I think Twitter and Google+ are the platforms I struggle the most with. Google+ I can easily see passing on but people are ALL over Twitter. I just need to learn how to harness it.

    1. Hi Raquel, I too struggle with Twitter and Google+ but I have put my focus on Facebook and Pinterest, that is where most of my traffic comes from. Facebook groups if used well can bring in big traffic numbers.

  104. Very insightful post. These tips are very lit and I totally agree with them. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Jessica, your visit and comments appreciated. Welcome.

  105. Kristi McAllister Avatar
    Kristi McAllister

    Fantastic post! As someone who is new to the blogging arena, I need all the advice I can get. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Kristi, your comments are appreciated. Welcome.

  106. Very good points! I especially liked the one about posting other content besides my own. I must admit, I’m trying to figure out FB. I get a lot of LIKES but hardly comments even when I ask an opened question. I was thinking I needed to post other content besides my own but I look for engagement. So I didn’t want to post other stuff and not get any engagement on those either. Idk… I’m still learning and trying to figure out this marketing industry lol. Thanks again!


    1. Hi, grateful for those insightful comments. Promoting other people’s content increases engagement/audience base. Then you can leverage on this increased audience base with your posts once in awhile.

  107. I like your point about focusing on quality instead of quantity. I notice some bloggers post almost daily. That is a lot of content to manage and market. I like to post twice a week and the max being 3 times. Then I can focus on a quality article and tweak it as necessary. That also gives me the opportunity to really market that article. Thanks for sharing

    1. Yes, quality is important, but promoting your content to reach the desired audience is the key to successful blogging.

  108. I think the most important thing to do with social media is learn where to focus your efforts. If you spread your efforts out over too many social networks, you may not get the same attention as you would if you figured out the best network for your audience and spent the most effort on that one.

    1. Yes, focusing on the performing networks is the best way to go otherwise thanks for your comments.

  109. These are awesome tips! Love the tip about not posting the same exact thing across the board. I see so many brands do this! Each platform is so different!

    1. Hi, thanks for your comments. Yes, for better results, try to use each network per its expectations.

  110. Great tips, I’ll be using most all of these! Thank you.

    1. Hi, I really appreciate your visit, and comments on this post. Welcome.

  111. darlingceo Avatar

    These are all great tips! Thank you for sharing !

    1. Hi Thanks for passing by again. Most welcomed.

  112. This is a very helpful and much-needed post. Sharing!

  113. I KNow at first I had issues with social
    Media and my photos. These are great tips , I’ve gotten better with going with networks that bring traffic

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by and for those nice comments. Yes, it is better to focus on those networks that bring in more traffic, and work even harder on them to get more better results.

  114. Your post is very helpful. Right now I focus on Facebook and LinkedIn.

    1. Hi, yes focusing on those networks that brings in most results in terms of traffic is the best way to go.

  115. Patricia @ Grab a Plate Avatar
    Patricia @ Grab a Plate

    Great tips! The last tip, especially – I need to lay a little lower on some of my social media platforms. Sometimes it gets to be a bit much! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Patricia, thanks for dropping by.

  116. Great reminders to clean up my social media activities. I’m going to start playing with different size photos for Facebook.

    1. Hi Nicole, am glad you are picking some tips from this post. All the best.

    1. Thanks for passing by.

  117. Thank you very much for such a useful post… It turns out I am making some of these mistakes right now… so I will work on fixing them soon! Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi Jenn, thanks for those nice comments. Am glad that you are ready to implement some of these tips.

  118. Really great tips. Book marking this post. Thanks

  119. I’m new to blogging. Looking forward to putting this information into practice.

    1. Hi grateful for your comments.

  120. Thank you for the great info. I am struggling with the lack of traffic and given myseld a deadline to turn around or quit. I takes so much time!! Will heed a few tips first, thanks.

    1. Hi, traffic building is a long process. Take your time, do the right things, and soon you will see better results.

  121. Very informative and useful post. I did not know about even half of the list. Will try to implement these in my blog promotion and engagement routine.

    Thanks for this great post.

    1. Hi, am grateful for your comments. All the best.

  122. All great tips! I especially like the last one about being on all social media platforms. This can be a real time waster and you are likely connecting with people who have already seen your post over and over again which can cause them to skip over your content in the future. I always tell my clients to focus only on the platforms where there ideal audience is.

    1. Hi, am very grateful for those insightful comments. Welcome again.

  123. Sara Kohll Avatar
    Sara Kohll

    Thank you for sharing these tips! I agree with all of them. You definitely have to keep up with your social media if you want to be successful.


    1. Hi Sara, I really appreciate your comments. Yes, social media can be one of the big contributor to traffic to any site if well used.

  124. Some very useful tips for Social Media use. I do find it all overwhelming at times, as there are so many outlets to use. I am focusing on Pinterest this year and so far the results have been excellent driving traffic to my travel blog. Thanks for the tips! Rob

    1. Hi Robert, I too focus on few social networks, and I have seen much more positive results when I use only few of them.

  125. Now posting videos on Social Media is very important as it grabs a large audience. This helped me manage to get few cents selling my products which was not possible with just post share.
    And we should definitely avoid above listed method.

    1. Thanks for commenting on this post. Yes, videos are great tool when it comes to attracting traffic to your posts.

  126. Thanks for sharing!
    Interesting and helpful.

    X Anneliesfitlife

  127. I agree with you on all points, especially on the last one. Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn (for example) are three completely different types of social media, targeting different audiences. Figure out where your audience hangs out the most and use that channel. Don’t waste time and energy on where they are not.

    1. Hi Vladimir, it is good to put focus where you get the best results in terms of traffic. Personally I put more focus on Facebook and Pinterest. I use Twitter and G+ just to a small extend.

  128. Thanks for sharing this information. I am currently only really focusing on Facebook and Instagram but I have accounts setup across all social media sites.

    1. Hi Kaylyn, I appreciate your comments on this post.

  129. What an interesting read! I had no idea square images and videos perform better than landscape. Thanks for the insight!

  130. These are very important things to consider. Thanks for the reminder. Quality over quantity ??

    1. Hi Kat, thanks for dropping by and for those nice comments.

  131. These are really good tips, I am trying to focus on quality rather than posting all the time

    1. Hi, am grateful for visiting and commenting on this post.

  132. Great read, I definitely needed this as I’ve been struggling with social media. I noticed I post the same content to all platforms & should focus more on really high quality posts. Thanks for the insight!

    1. Hi Terra, I appreciate your comments on this post.

  133. I must admit I do all of these! I try to keep my blog posts over 400 words also and link to old blog posts.

    1. Hi Wendie, thanks for passing by, and for those nice comments.

  134. Thanks so much for this post! Of the 3 social media platforms I’m on I have struggle with Facebook. It seems like no one ever sees my Facebook posts . I link Facebook and instagram together and get 200 likes on a picture but zero on Facebook. I see now that I need to treat them differently and make some changes to my Facebook page .

    1. I think when it comes to Facebook, try to focus more on groups, join FB groups in your niche, engage members, participate in daily promotional threads. If you do these, you will see improvements in your traffic from Facebook.

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