8 Reasons why bloggers fail in their first year

Though there are various reasons why people blog, the main ones are: Passion of writing i.e. to share with the world what you know and to make money on your blog. Successful blogging needs dedication and patience on the part of the blogger.  In this article we look at some of the reasons why bloggers fail in their first year.  

Failing to promote the blog posts

Writing quality content without promoting it to the desired audience is one of the biggest mistake that any blogger can ever make. Getting people to read your content should be your main goal after hitting that publishing button. You should have plans and strategies on how to drive traffic to your blog way before you even publish your content. This will ensure that your content reach the right audience. Promotion may involve sharing it on Social media (Facebook, G+, Twitter, Pinterest),  submitting your articles to news feeds on popular websites. You can also submit your articles to Bookmarking sites like Pearltrees Reddit, Digg, BizsugarFlipboard, etc. Promoting quality content to reach the target audience is the key to successful blog.

Choosing not to write on your core niche

Passion is what keeps a person going even when things don’t seem not to be working. When you pick a niche that you are not passionate about, you will notice that, with time your drive towards it slowly deteriorates, this may include number of your posts you write over a given period of time reducing, or the quality going down. This will translates to reduction of the number of visitors to your site, and in some cases, your readers may stop completely from visiting your site. Therefore it is paramount you pick on a niche that you are passionate about to ensure that you don’t get run out of content or drive to keep writing quality content.

Blogging only for money

Reasons why bloggers fail

Making money on your blog shouldn’t be the main reason why you started your blog. When you are starting out on your blogging journey, your main focus should be growing your blog through writing of quality content then promoting it to the right audience. With a good blog, that has enough quality content and traffic then you can think of monetizing it. Successful blogging requires discipline and perseverance.

Not learning basic SEO

SEO is one important part of successful blogging. Optimizing your site for search engines is one aspect that is looked down by most new bloggers simply because most of them believe that is a difficult area that only tech savvy people can handle. SEO is something that anyone can easily learn and start implementing it immediately on his/her blog. I would recommend you read the following articles on SEO:

Running many blogs

Running plenty of blogs can be a challenging and daunting task. Blogging involves so many tasks like: Coming up with articles to write on through say research, writing, publishing and promoting the content. All these tasks are time-consuming, and can be very challenging if you have many blogs that you are running at the same time. It is better you focus on one blog but if you must have more than one, then ensure that it doesn’t affect the quality of content that you publish and promote.

Writing just for the search engines

Though search engines play an important role in driving free traffic to your blog, it is not advisable to write your content just for the search engines. Your readers should be the main focus. Try to find a balance between writing articles that your readers can open & read and at the same time rank high in search engines.

Not putting enough focus on quality

Try as much as possible to write original content, that you have done enough research on and you can back it up with relevant sources.  Quality content is what keeps your visitors coming to your site since they know they will learn something new from your posts.

Not keeping up with the latest developments

When you stop learning new things, then you would not be at par with the current trends and latest developments in your industry or niche. What you know may become outdated. When your visitors recognizes this, then they may stop visiting your site. Therefore keep learning, especially on the niche you are writing about.

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132 responses to “8 Reasons why bloggers fail in their first year”

  1. Such a great list! Being consistent with posting is definitely one I am working on.

    1. Hi Tracy, yes consistent in content writing is key to blogging success.

  2. Blogging only for money disrupts campaigns because bloggers who do this skip all the work – impatiently – required to actually earn income. Most become stuck in employee thinking that demands money for each action or for work completed, time-wise. Excellent blog post John.


    1. Hi Ryan, I concur with you, it seems every other blogger want to cash in very fast without putting in the work and dedication needed. It takes time, consistency and hard work to succeed as a blogger. Thanks for the insightful feedback.

  3. jimmy clare Avatar
    jimmy clare

    I agree with these mistakes

    1. Hi Jimmy, well noted. Welcome.

    2. I was encouraged by this post and will do my best not to make any of these mistakes. And you’re right! As soon as I made more effort & spent more time building quality posts, my clicks simultaneously increased!

  4. Awesome article. I like how you said writing quality content without promoting it to the desired audience is one of the biggest mistake that any blogger can ever make. Getting people to read your content should be your main goal after hitting that publishing button.

    I agree that one should have plans and strategues on how to drive traffic to your blog way before you even publish your content.

    Angela Giles | http://www.angelagiles.com

    1. Hi Angela, Yes that is where most bloggers get it wrong, you need to promote more than you write!

  5. Very informative post – thank you for sharing. 🙂

    – Nyxie


  6. Very important points for new bloggers . Content is the king and everything will be in track. Thanks for such informative article .

  7. thetinkerbug Avatar

    Fantastic article with extremely useful information! A highly suggested read for all new bloggers!

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

  8. Definitely agree about quality writing! #GlobalBlogging

  9. Some good points here.
    I truly think that bloggers can’t ‘fail’ unless they lose sight of why they started in the first place. If you just write for you then failing is not an option. #globalblogging

    1. Yes Sophie, it all starts with having a passion, and writing around it. This should be the main driving force.

  10. Thank you for the tips. I really must up my SEO game so I’ve bookmarked your posts for later! Thank you! #GlobalBlogging

  11. HI John
    Thank you for sharing this insightful article. I agree with all the point you raised, they all contribute to the failure. In addition to what you already mentioned, I will say losing focus, lack of commitment, spreading your self all over the place as well as stop learning could also hinder the progress to success for the blogger. You need to follow once course until successful and do whatever it takes to get the results you after, whilst tweaking, reviewing and improving the tactics you are applying in your business. It is a continuous learning process.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Rabia, thank you so much for such an insightful feedback. Totally agree with you, it all boils down to focus and continuous improvement. You are most welcomed.

  12. […] 8 Reasons why Bloggers Fail from Business and Life Tips […]

  13. I have personally fallen into at least one of these traps! Great to have you link up at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com this week!

    1. Thanks for dropping by again.

  14. I need to figure out this whole SEO thing, That is my weakness. I will check out some of your links. #thoughtfulthursday

    1. I Really appreciate your feedback. Most welcomed.

  15. I’m a firm believer in the value of organic traffic. I think that the quality of the traffic you drive to your blog is way more important than the quantity, so I aim to target an audience that is engaged and truly interested in our content. I agree that a good SEO strategy for a blog is paramount. I also agree that the main focus should always be the user experience and finding the perfect balance to write articles that would please both search engines and the readers should be the goal. Great post, John!

    1. Hi Lucrezia, am very grateful for your insightful comments on this post. Yes organic traffic is the best for any site, though it is the most challenging one to get since there are so many things you need to do make it happen, ranging from on-site SEO to off-site SEO. Also it takes time to build organic traffic but with good strategies in place and patience, I believe every blogger can benefit from free traffic from search engines otherwise, social media networks offers another good source of free traffic too but you need to be active and engage your followers to get and you have to write high quality articles that your desired audience can have interest in. So in a nutshell it requires a strategy with dedication to succeed.

  16. Joy in the Commonplace Avatar
    Joy in the Commonplace

    Very useful information!! I’m learning how important it is to promote my blog posts and keep up with the latest trends. I have a party ideas blog and the trends are always changing for sure.

    1. Yes, promoting your content is one of the important keys to success online. Thanks for reading.

  17. Thank you for the great tips! It’s good to have reminders of what I can try to do differently!

    1. Hey Cherrly, always grateful for your visit.

  18. Great tips! Really relatable and easily missed if not pointed out.

    1. Hi Saffiya, thanks for reading.

  19. Very helpful piece. SEO is still my biggest weakness and something that I’m always trying to figure out.

    1. Hi John, I too when I was starting out, had hard time figuring out what SEO was, but with constant reading of blogs, and research, I started learning slowly, then found the Yoast plugin, that makes it easy to optimize content on your blog. Am still learning it, so don’t worry but keep searching for information on the same or take a training.

  20. Great advise – thank you. I’ve bookmarked to read the links later x

  21. Lynn White Avatar
    Lynn White

    I completely changed my niche so I’m still trying to get the hang of the SEO. Great tips!

    1. Hey Lynn, thanks for reading.

  22. I think the only real failure is to quit…
    But other than that, the biggest one is not writing quality content and not promoting it.
    Then, of course you need SEO.
    The main problem is that new bloggers have no clue how to do this.
    They have no comparison, and they give up, maybe just before they became successful…
    One of my blogs, where I didn’t use any social media, started to get organic traffic after 5 months. Google is starting to love it.
    So don’t give up, keep going.
    After your figure out, it is so easy!

    1. Hi Peter, yes, patience is a virtue that many people tend not to have, I think even if after doing everything right, you can’t get the results overnight, it takes time to build a reliable traffic to any site.

  23. Great tips! I have noticed some of my Facebook group aren’t promoting as well as they use to. I need to look into other ways to promote.

    1. Hi, am glad you found this helpful. Thanks.

  24. I’m still in my first year of blogging. Thank you so much for sharing this. It helps new bloggers like me to work harder on my blog.

    1. Hi Priya, am more than happy to learn that this is helping more and more bloggers like you. Most welcomed.

  25. This is a very good summary that really nicely sums up everything a newbie needs to know.

    1. Hi, I appreciate your visit. Welcome.

  26. A lot of these are true for me! I am about to start my 5th year blogging so I never actually gave up, I just didn’t take it seriously, until now. I finally found my niche and am starting to connect with my readers and am becoming more excited to keep writing. Now I need to work on sharing my posts more and learn more about SEO. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Rebecca, am very grateful for taking time to comment on the post. Yes, building a reliable audience base for your blog is one of the keys to successful blogging.

  27. justlovedella Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Thankfully I made it through my first year but still learning something new every day.

  28. I’ve only been blogging around 11 months now, and I always love reading these sorts of posts because the information is invaluable and helps the new people like me strive to do better at meeting goals. Thanks for sharing! Good stuff here!

  29. Very interesting read!

  30. You are always on point. Giving nice tips that helps develop the blogging business

    1. Grateful for your visit.

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