5 Reasons bloggers need to market with a video

Video marketing is one of the keys to growth of any business online. Most of the time, you will find that customers would prefer to watch a video about any given product than read about it, this is particularly because, watching a video is easier, and entertaining at the same time than just reading through the content. When your market with a video, it enables you to educate potential end-users/customers how a product works to solve problems and needs.

Why Bloggers need to market with a video

Some of the key reasons why you need to start employing videos in your marketing strategy whether you are promoting your content or marketing a given product include:

Video Encourages Sharing

Most of the time content with a video is likely to be shared many more times than that without one, basically because, people share emotions, not facts and that is the reason why most social networks encourage video content e.g. Instagram allows a 60 second videos & Instagram stories allows video and live streaming, Twitter has Periscope which lets you stream content live etc. Using the word ” Video” in an email subject line boosts the open rates.

Video Builds Trust

Putting a face on-camera allows potential clients to see who you are, identify with you personally and build trust without even meeting you in person. Remember, building and maintaining trust with your prospects and current customers is usually a top priority of any business.

Related: The Impact of Videos on Digital Marketing

Video enables you to build a Brand that people can relate with

People easily relate with someone they can trust, and this can be achieved through video marketing. Video marketing enables you to build a brand about any given niche or product.

You can also read: Content Marketing Mistakes

You can go ahead of the a Video Curve

Going by the positive numbers that come in with the video marketing say engagement rates or the traffic, you can plan to project ahead of the curve and focus on what drives engagement and do it better. This will bring more other benefits like increase in sales conversions.

A video will definitely drive sales

From various researches done,  70% of people who watch a video to learn more about a given product, will subsequently buy it, this means that videos play a key role in driving sales therefore they should be given an important consideration in a marketing strategy.

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155 responses to “5 Reasons bloggers need to market with a video”

  1. Something I still need to do…

    1. Am grateful for your visit. Welcome.

  2. i`m still new to blogging so i have not yet thought of video marketing but reading your post, I feel this is something I should look into.

    1. Glad that you found this article helpful. Thanks.

  3. myhomesteadlifecom Avatar

    Thanks for this confirmation. I’m just starting to embark on the video world, Lumen5 makes it easy for FB and loaded my first Youtube the other day.

  4. Video show your personality and your audience can def relate better that way. Great info. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Nelo, thanks for visiting.

  5. Will definitely start doing this now. Great tips.

  6. I like your website. It has a lot of useful information. Keep up the good work.

  7. Totally agree videon is content king.

    1. Hi Rachael, thanks for being a loyal Reader. Most welcomed.

  8. Plus, it’s great to offer videos for those who just aren’t into reading 🙂

    1. Yes, videos add an entertainment aspect hence attracting those people who view reading as boring.

  9. Thanks for the handy information, this is definitely the next avenue I will pursue to help market our business. Great insight.

  10. This is so eye-opening! Thank you for the tips!

    1. Thanks for visiting. Most welcomed.

  11. mrs shirley Avatar
    mrs shirley

    great post, I enjoyed that

  12. I think its a good idea,I have never thought about this before..Thank You for bringing this infront of me..

  13. Seems like videos will help make the personal connection! Love it

    1. Hi Anissa, thanks for dropping by again. Most welcomed.

  14. Thank you for your great points! I couldn’t agree more!

  15. This is this is great insight

    1. Hi Grace, thanks for visiting, and commenting on this post.

  16. Good post. Love the blog.

  17. Very useful!It makes me start thinking of creating some nice videos. Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. haven’t ventured into this yet but your post makes it something i should try

    1. Am glad that you found this article helpful. Thanks.

  19. Good advice. I will keep this in mind when blogging. Love that the text is broken up and easy to read.

  20. Great points ! Informative Thanks for sharing !

  21. True but not all Blogger now how to create a value video. any tips, which website video editors can we use?

    1. Hi Betty, thanks for visiting and commenting on this post. Actually we have a lot of information on internet on Video editing. Try doing search, and I hope your question will be answered.

  22. Video marketing is huge! Definitely needed.. thanks for sharing this!

    1. Hey Mila, thanks for visiting.

  23. Great points John, this is very helpful.

    1. Hey Crisly, thanks for being a loyal reader. Most welcomed.

  24. Great Post… Thanks For Sharing Such a Post.

    1. Hi Talha, most welcomed.

  25. This is what keeps me filming and editing and promoting videos (even when I don’t even really enjoy it). I know that it builds our brand in a way that nothing else can. Thanks for helping me realize that I am on the right path!

    1. Hi Vox, yes video marketing is a great way of building a brand online. Most welcomed.

  26. Thank you for the great info, I used to vlog but stopped some time ago. I guess I should get back to it.

    1. Hi Rik, am grateful for your visit. Welcome.

  27. Very informative.. Never knew videos are so imp.. will surely try video making and keep what u say in mind

    1. Hi Yogita, am glad that you found this article helpful. Welcome.

  28. thiscurvylife Avatar

    Video definitely makes you relate better with the audience. I need to step up my video usage.

    1. Exactly, otherwise thanks for visiting again.

    2. Shyla Elza Avatar
      Shyla Elza

      Great advice. I am beginning to realize the power of video although it is new to me. Thank you for sharing 🙂

      1. You are welcomed Shyla!

  29. thedestinydive Avatar

    I love this and will be pinning it! I am working on my first charitable project through my blog and have been giving a lot of thought to video marketing! This post is really helpful and right on time! Thanks

    1. Thanks and most welcomed.

  30. I was recently considering creating a video for my photography services! This has been really informative in terms of making a final decision!

    1. Thanks Ruth, for your comments.

  31. There is no alternative ways to get leads without videos nowadays

    1. Yes, video marketing is the way to go.

  32. Thank you for sharing! I have been on youtube much longer than I have been been blogging and I have to agree that I have noticed that the connection creating video content versus blog posts is different. There is definitely more of a connection like you say!

    1. Thanks for dropping by. Yes, Video marketing brings in more engagements.

  33. TOTALLY AGREE WITH THE PART Of putting your face there, it is much more personal then with all the customers

    1. Hi, thanks for your comments.

  34. good advice for this going ahead thing, thank you for this!

  35. Thank you, great points. I did youtube with my blog for a while then stopped. Maybe I’ll go back to doing that again to help boost my traffic as well.

    1. Hi Fely, thanks for visiting. Maybe, you can make improvements where necessary, for better results.

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