7 Effective ways of running email marketing campaigns

Email marketing has evolved to be one of the key component  of online marketing. Getting subscribers can be one thing, but maintaining those subscribers so that they don’t hit the unsubscribe button and leave your list can be challenging at times. As always said, it is important you build a deeper relationship with your subscribers. In this article we are going to look at ways you can engage your subscribers through effective email marketing campaigns and turn them into customers without actually annoying them to an extent of them leaving your list.

Effective ways of running email campaigns

Focus on helping your users

Users will trust you if you are helpful to them. When you help your subscribers regularly, they are sure to come back for more. The more helpful you are to them the more loyal they will be to you. Some of the ways you can be of help are:

  • Give them a resource say a free E-book on a given niche they have an interest in.
  • Direct them to a resource on the web.

Be genuine and honest

Sharing your true story, failures or successes that your are honest about helps build the trust with your subscribers.

Related: Why ”No Reply” Emails Have no Place in Email Marketing & how to Replace them

Have clear goals in your campaigns 

Be clear on what you want when sending out emails. If you are trying to get affiliate sign ups, present your readers with one thing to do in the email to sign up for the affiliate.

Try to put yourself in the subscribers position

If you can be able to get reasons why you would sign up for a given newsletter or email list, and what keeps you on those lists, then you will know how to focus on providing value to your subscribers without annoying them.

Make your emails something people anticipate

Make your emails interesting, with helpful advice that subscribers always look forward to.

Don’t start with a hard sell

Most people sign up for lists just because of the freebies therefore it can be detrimental for you to start selling to them immediately! What you should do first is, to thank them for joining your list. Then work on building trust with them. Overtime, these people will be able to spend money on buying your products and services.

You can also read: How to write Email Subject lines that get read

Make your emails interesting by mixing them up 

If you use the same template repeatedly, you may see more and more users, hitting the unsubscribe link. Avoid appearing boring through doing same thing over and over again. Try to put some fun into your emails to make them interesting at the same time remaining useful to your users.

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53 responses to “7 Effective ways of running email marketing campaigns”

  1. […] article will explore what digital marketing is and how digital marketing firms can leverage AI to automate their operations […]

  2. You made a valid point. I find myself being overwhelmed by email lists that I am quick to unsubscribed.

    1. Hi Ann, thanks for dropping by and taking time to comment.

  3. Really awesome tips, love the idea of mixing them up..you dont want to bore your subscribers

    1. Thanks for reading and comments!

  4. This is really helpful article. Email Marketing was and always will be key tool for marketing. Thanks and Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi, I appreciate your feedback.

  5. I have not really focused on email marketing since I began my blog..but, it is something I want to invest in this year. Thank you for this useful post.

    1. Hi Georgina, thanks for your input. All the best in your new year!

  6. This is one of the areas where I have concentrate on this year, thanks for such an informative post…!

    1. Hi, am grateful for your visit.

  7. notquitesupermommn Avatar

    Trying to hang onto my email subscribers is something I take very seriously. I appreciate your tips, especially the reminder to switch up my template.

    1. True, thanks for visiting.

  8. I am so bad at email marketing.. Really need to focus on it, because it has so much potential..

    1. Hi, Celine, thanks for reading, and taking time to comment. Yes, Email marketing, is a great tool you can use for content marketing and evening selling online.

  9. Farid Rifaie Avatar
    Farid Rifaie

    I haven’t started email campaign, my blog is new. The tips really helpful when I am ready to start building email list.

    1. Hi Farid, thanks for visiting.

  10. Thanks for such a great article. i’m looking exactly same for my new business. Thanks

    1. Jamaley, am grateful for your visit. All the best in this new year.

  11. Great tips, I’ll try email marketing campaign. Thanks for useful article

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting. Most welcomed.

  12. Decline my jobs offer and planning to work on digital marketing and this seems a very great idea. Thanks for such a great article.

    1. Wishing you all the best, and thanks for visiting.

  13. awesome. unsubscribed is like the end of it all! haha. great ideas staying a resource for readers, and being honest. ??

    1. Hi, appreciated.

  14. Couldn’t agreement more. Offering a free ebook or something of value is a great idea!

    1. Yeah, sometimes you need to use innovative ways to get those emails!

  15. mikaylatencer Avatar

    Great article, I’ll have to apply some of these!

    1. Thanks very much.

  16. This is great information I certainly need to maximize on this.

    1. Thanks for reading.

  17. Thank you for the tips!! I’m working on my e-mail marketing strategy right now, so it was very useful

    1. Thanks for dropping by. Most welcomed.

  18. Interesting read, I thought your tips have relevance, how have they worked for you?

    1. Hi, Since I started implementing some of these tips in my campaigns, have seen more positive results, in terms of user engagement, that is the reason I recommend them.

  19. statebystateadventure Avatar

    Good tips. I just started setting up email campaigns and this article will come in handy. Thanks for writing it.

    1. Am glad you found this article helpful to your work. Welcome.


  21. Love how you say to put yourself in the subscriber’s position. This is key!! Thanks for your tips.

    1. Most welcomed.

  22. This is exactly what I need. My biggest goal for the near future is to start e-mail on my blog. Thank you!

    1. Hi, I appreciate your visit.

  23. Thanks for the reminder to not hard sale your clients.

    1. Yes, rushing to sale, is one big mistake many people make in email marketing. Relationship building should always come first.

  24. There are some really good things on here. I haven’t gotten to using emails yet but I see what a great tool it can be.

    1. Hi Janet, thanks for commenting on this post. Email Marketing is a great tool of driving sales and you can also drive traffic to your site if well used.

  25. I’m still pretty new at all of this, so this is great advice for my email list!! Thank you!

  26. These are awesome tips. I am just starting out to grow my email list. No hard selling should be remembered all the time.

    1. Yes, concentrate on building relationship and trust, and your users may become your customers with time.

  27. Great tips! I struggle with email marketing.

    1. Thanks for visiting, I hope this post will be of help.

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