How to use Social Media Optimization to promote your Blog

Social media optimization (SMO) is the process of increasing publicity or awareness of a product, service, brand or event using Social media outlets and communities.

The commonly used social media types include Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram); bookmarking sites like(Digg, Reddit); and RSS Feeds.

Social Media optimization

Social media optimization entails optimizing a website and its contents to encourage more users to use and share links across the social networks and websites. SMO also refers to the software tools that you can use to automate the process or experts who undertake this process on your behalf. 

You can also read: 9 Tools to help you manage your social media accounts

Let’s now look at ways you can implement social media optimization on your website or blog.

Although you can perform SMO yourself, it would be better if you involve an expert to assist you. We have tools that can help you perform social media  optimization (SMO) like the Socialmonial. Some of the things performed when doing SMO may include:

Use friendly platforms

Building your site on say WordPress gives you an upper hand when it comes to Social media optimization, since a platform like this is created taking into consideration SMO. You can easily create and edit your content and share it on a platform like WordPress.

Ensure your content is relevant to your niche

If you picked a given niche, ensure your content is relevant. Keep yourself updated with what is happening in your field, so that what you write about is not outdated.

Update your site with fresh content regularly

Writing new content on your blog frequently is good for Search engines, as this keeps your audience  coming over and over to check for new content, and this can improve your rankings with time. Ensure your content is high quality and SEO friendly with the right keywords.

Join communities and discussions 

Be active in communities like Facebook Groups, and make useful comments with links to your website. With time this will improve your site ranking too. You can also visit sites dedicated to similar topics as yours, and participate in discussions, with time, you can start directing users to your site.

Related: 8 Tips to Step up your Social Media Game in 2019 and Beyond

Write content with your audience in mind

When you write about a given product, aiming a certain demographic, ensure your content is tailored to that specific audience. Use Videos where necessary to enrich your content.

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Have a social media strategy

Having a social media strategy is a key component of social media optimization. In your strategy you can cover:

  • The Objectives e.g. Creating Brand awareness
  • The type of audience you want to target, what they do, what they are influenced by and what they talk about frequently.
  • Participation i.e. How you plan to establish a presence and community online, and how you will engage with other users by sharing helpful information.
  • Measurements – how you intend to keep a record of likes, and comments on your posts, or the number of sales. This will enable you monitor Growth and determine which tactics are most useful in optimizing social media

The above are just some of the tasks you can perform when you are doing social media optimization on your site. We have simple Rules of SMO that you can easily follow and improve your site. 

  • Make Tagging and Bookmarking easy
  • Increase your links
  • Help your Content to travel via sharing
  • Reward inbound links
  • Be a user resource-provide resources and information for other users
  • Reward helpful and valuable users
  • Participate in the online conversation
  • Know how to target your audience
  • Create new and high quality content on regular basis

Recommended Resources: How to create a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy

Bottom Line

Social media optimization (SMO) is similar to Search engine optimization (SEO) in that the Goal is to generate web traffic to a site and increase the awareness of the website but many people tend to focus more on SEO while ignoring SMO. These 2 components of Digital marketing are paramount if you want to succeed online therefore ensure you are working on them as you develop your site.

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78 responses to “How to use Social Media Optimization to promote your Blog”

  1. I definitely don’t really have a social media strategy which is probably something I need to work on; I find that my usage of it chops and changes with how the apps/sites themselves evolve over time and whether or not I feel a pull away from using them. Interesting post!

    1. Hi, I appreciate your feedback.

  2. Thank you for the tips! These are great 🙂

  3. lmosley42 Avatar

    Great tips. They seem easy to do. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi, thanks for your feedback. You are most welcomed!

  4. Good tips. I think knowing your audience and reaching out to them are really the best things for growing on Social Media.

    1. True Miller, thanks for visiting.

  5. I’m using most of your tips and it’s really helping my site! You’re super insightful and I appreciate you giving away your success tips:)

    1. Hey Steph, thanks for the nice feedback. You are most welcomed.

  6. Facebook groups are so important for blog growth as well as Pinterest! I didn’t realize this when I first started blogging and struggled hard.

    1. True, that is where I get most of my traffic from.

  7. GladysNava Avatar

    What a great read! This really helps us with business and life too! I am glad to know these tips. Amazing!

    1. Hey Gladys, thanks for dropping by.

  8. I had heard of SEO but never SMO. I picked up some great tips from your post that I will be implementing in the coming weeks.

    1. Hi Paula, am glad you learned something new from this!

  9. Katie McNally Avatar
    Katie McNally

    These are great tips as I’m starting to build my blog. I’m stuggling a bit to find my niche and working on social media!

    1. Hi Katie, I hope you learned something from this post.

  10. I definitely noticed a difference in my following when I stuck to one niche. It gives you your own audience so that they will stick around and be engaged. Thanks for all these tips!

  11. These are great tips, staying within one’s niche, being consistent and also having a social media strategy really does help one’s blog. I need to work more on the social media.

    1. Hi Joan, true! you need to pick a particular niche, and focus on it. This is probably something you are passionate about.

  12. Princess Quinn Avatar
    Princess Quinn

    This is such a very informative and a timely post. Many people should read this because it will help a lot. I love this feed.

  13. The majority of my traffic comes from social media. It’s so important to use!

  14. Alexandra Cook Avatar
    Alexandra Cook

    Yes, being relevant is huge these days. If you say you’re one thing then post about another thing, people notice and will stop following you.

  15. I have personally have given up social media promotion. I feel that unless you put money on the platforms, your content won’t reach very far. I do like Pinterest though, but that’s more of a search engine than a social network.

    1. Yes, paid marketing is the main focus of these networks. They no longer give value to quality content. But I find groups to work for me better. That is where I drive most of my traffic from.

  16. Read you I was pleased because often I seem to do a lot of work and do not get results!

    1. Your feedback well noted. Thanks.

  17. I will have to start using this for sure. I am always looking for ways to promote my blog.

    1. I appreciate your feedback.

  18. I can always use help with social media. I need to check this website out.

  19. Congratulations, John! You won the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party!

    1. Hi Janice, glad to learn that. Thanks. Looking forward to the next Linky Party!

  20. notquitesupermommn Avatar

    Great advice anyone in blogging can use. There are always ways we can up our game and do better, thanks!

  21. Hey, John. Just wanted to say thanks for this. As a relative noob, I’m still learning about SMO, so your pointers are helpful. Much appreciated!

    1. Hi Steve, am glad you found these tips helpful. Thanks for visiting.

  22. Hey, John. Thanks for this. As a relatively noob, I’m still exploring social optimization, and it’s a steep learning curve for an old coot like me. I appreciate the tips… 🙂

    1. Hi Steve, thanks for your feedback.

  23. mrhappywork Avatar

    Creating fresh content regularly is the extremely tough one for me. I have been consistent with one article per week, but for a new blog it really doesn’t feel like enough. I know there are some established bloggers I read who get away with only 1 article every week (or even two weeks or more!), but they have their audiences already. I think I would see a ton of return on investment if I could post articles 3-5 times a week, but I work full-time and have a family so one is all I can do. I have to play the slower game.

    1. Hi, Consistence at blogging is key to keeping your audience coming over and over again. Thanks for visiting.

  24. I’m fairly new to blogging so I’m always looking for new information. This article and all of your articles really are helpful. I think I’m doing most of these things so it’s good to know I’m on the right track.

    1. Hi Suzanne, thanks for the feedback.

  25. […] You can also read: Social Media Optimization […]

  26. Wonderful Blog ,

    After Read your Blog i Simply say your blog is very useful for beginners thanks for sharing with us

    1. Hi Sunil, I appreciate your feedback. Most welcomed.

  27. Thank you for these useful tips! As a newbie blogger, I need all the information I can get! I’ll make sure to apply these things.

    1. Hi Erika, thanks for visiting. I wish you all the best in your Blogging Journey.

  28. Nice tips! These are really useful. Keep it up!

    1. Hi Andre, thanks for visiting and commenting on this post.

  29. Thank you! Some very pragmatic tips!

    1. Hello, thanks for reading.

  30. Really detailed post. I need to really learn more about all of this – so this was very helpful. Thanks!

    1. Hi Vicky, am glad that you found this article helpful. Thanks.

  31. So useful! I’m implementing a few already but there’s still so much more I can do. Will definitely be referring back to this!

    1. Hello Nicole, I appreciate for taking time to read and comment. Welcome.

  32. I’m in the process of transferring from Wix to WordPress, so these kinds of posts are always chock full of valuable information for relatively new bloggers like me! Thanks for sharing such great content!

    1. Am grateful for your visit, and for taking time to comment on this post. Most welcomed.

  33. This is very true and useful! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for reading the post.

  34. Social media optomization is such a vital part of blog promotion. And I really love how wordpress makes it even easier! Thanks for sharing ?

    1. Hi I appreciated for taking time to read and comment on this post.

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