14 Tactics to finding Best Blog Post Ideas for your Blog

Coming up with great blog post ideas for your site is one of the keys to becoming a successful blogger. So how do you go about this? We will try to answer this question by discussing various tactics that are commonly used by some of the successful bloggers or online content creators and which you can use too to create best blog ideas for your blog.

Use Google’s Keyword planner

Google’s Keyword Planner is a great tool to help you check search volumes for specific queries which lets you know if they are worth pursuing and if they have any competition. It also displays related keywords which is very useful especially when you are coming up with even more relevant topic ideas.

Check out your competition’s archives

To help you remain on top of your game by providing quality content to your audience, that is current and relevant, you can check out your competitors or even fellow bloggers in your niche. Find out what they have written in the past, and what they are presenting right now. You can use this as an inspiration to improve on your ideas. This does not mean you copy exactly what they are doing but you can learn from them by checking what has worked for them.

Use Google trends

Check out Google Trends frequently to see what people are talking about online, and if any of those trends fall under your interest.

Check your competitors’ mailing lists

Most of the time, bloggers who have subscribers will send on regular basis exclusive content to them.  If you are one of the subscribers you will definitely benefit from this content, and you can pick some ideas from it.

Blog Post Ideas

Check relevant online communities

Various online communities can be a good source of potential topic ideas in any niche provided you join the ones that are relevant to what you are blogging about. Checking communities that cover same topics as your blog is an excellent way to come up with new ideas. These communities can be Facebook groups, Twitter lists, Forums or Q& A platforms like Yahoo answers and Quora.

Follow top contributors in your niche on social media

Consider following the top contributors on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn in your field. You will notice that they occasionally share information that can be a source of good ideas for your blog.

Read user comments

Your audience or readers often will ask questions or just give their views with regard to a given topic. This can also be a valuable source of new ideas for your blog.

Use Hubspot’s blog topic generator

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator can help you come up with new ideas for your blog posts related to specific keywords that you fill in.

Use your analytics

Your demographic data can be used to help you find blog post ideas that are relevant to your target audience.

Re-target past posts for new audience

You can target a previous post to a new audience. This can be the same content but with some few changes say in the Title to suite this new audience.

Related: 12 Content marketing tools for Bloggers

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Ask your readers directly

If you aren’t sure of what topics to write about, why not consider asking your audience directly? You can engage with them through the comments sections, or even on social media or through emails to help you put together your ideas for the next post.

Get ideas from the books

Books whether printed or in soft copies can be a valuable source of ideas to write about. Check out for books that cover same topics as your blog, for blog post ideas, am sure with some good research you can come up with something good that your audience will love.

Lastly, check relevant news outlets

Keep an eye on news outlets that are related to your field to stay up to date with the latest developments. If you are blogging about Technology, then you wouldn’t want to miss out on the latest development in that field.

The bottom line

Coming up with ideas for your blog posts can be a bit challenging if not tackled well through a plan. Brainstorming for ideas might be hard to some people,  but when you know how to do it, everything works well for you.

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122 responses to “14 Tactics to finding Best Blog Post Ideas for your Blog”

  1. Topic generators are so helpful when you’re stuck! Excellent post!

    1. Hi Amy, thanks for your comment.

  2. Great tips. Very usefull, especially for beginners.

  3. Hey, these tips for post ideas are solid! I’ve been doing some of them, but you’ve thrown in a few game-changers I can’t wait to try out. ????

    1. Hi Tiann, glad you found these tips useful!

  4. Some really good ideas here. I really like the blog idea generator.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for sharing, really useful tips & tactics! xx

  6. I’m lucky in this regard that my blogs are very topic specific. But I still like to shake things up with something a little different not and again. Thanks for the ideas.

  7. Great advice. I think a lot of bloggers overlook the value of listening to their readers. Some of the best performing posts that I’ve created started with a question or comment from a reader. They are literally telling you what they are interested in learning more about, so why not give it to them?

    1. True, that is the best way to find the most engaging posts. I appreciate your visit.

  8. Awesome tips just what I needed today.

    1. Hi Neecee, thanks for dropping by again!

  9. Sarah Avatar

    Thanks so much for the tips! Nice site!

    1. Hi Sara, I appreciate taking time to read and comment.

  10. Some great tips. I especially like just asking your readers directly – if you get lots of comments, the readers will have their own opinion about what content they want. However, the blog title generator looks cool as well.

    1. Thanks Kat! glad you found this useful.

  11. Congratulations, John!
    Your post won the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party. You’ll be featured on my site tomorrow.

    1. Glad to learn that. Thanks, looking forward to the next party!

  12. […] 14 Tactics to finding the best blog post ideas for your Audience […]

  13. Thank you! Never thought of some of these for getting ideas for blog posts,

  14. These tactics are great! I use a few of them but not systematically, just when I don’t know what to write about! lol

    1. Hi Nati, sometimes we run out of ideas, and posts like this can be of help.

  15. These are all great ways to have better insight into developing more blog post ideas! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  16. oxfordmomma Avatar

    Great tips! Content creation can be so tricky, but nailing a solution for your readers problem is always a good place to start.

    1. Yes. thanks for visiting.

  17. Good tips and its important to know what your top contributors in your niche are getting up too!

  18. Becca Wilson Avatar
    Becca Wilson

    Thank you so much for these tips. It can be so hard to not get stuck in a rut sometimes.

  19. Informative post with great tips on blog. I thoroughly enjoyed reading. These will certainly of help for bloggers.

    1. Thanks for your positive feedback.

  20. Coming up with blog topics can be frustrating at times. These are really great tactics! Checking out a rival’s content and using current topics are really good ideas.

    1. Hi Sam, true. Sometimes you have to think out of box, to get good ideas for your new blogs.

  21. Fatima D Torres Avatar
    Fatima D Torres

    I like the idea of looking through your analytics. It does help to review what your readers enjoyed the most.

    1. Hi Fatima, yes, getting Ideas from your audience is the best way to writing a high engaging post.

  22. these are all excellent ideas for generating content topics. I like looking to trends for what’s popular

    1. Hey Jasmine, thanks for visiting.

  23. LOVE these tips. So creative, sneaky (in a good way), and genius at the same time.

  24. I’ll have to look into using some of these approaches. I wasn’t familiar with all of these and it’s good to have a strategy. I definitely want to check out Google trends!

    1. Thanks for your feedback!

  25. I usually like to brainstorm with other bloggers. I find that it helps me and helps them.

    1. True, that is one good way to get blog post ideas.

  26. These are all really great tips. I have never really thought to check competitors archived posts. Great idea!

    1. Hey Sara, thanks for visiting.

  27. ChelseaMamma Avatar

    I never thought about checking google trends – thanks for the heads up

  28. Sophia Reed PhD NCC Avatar
    Sophia Reed PhD NCC

    Thanks so much I am always looking for post ideas

    1. Hey Sophia, thanks for visiting.

  29. Great. I definitely needed to see this post today. I am in need of some blog post idea for February so thank you!

    1. Hi, am glad to have been of great help to you. Thanks.

  30. These are all such helpful tips especially for newer bloggers like me 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Hi, Shar, much appreciation!

  31. Yeah Lifestyle Avatar
    Yeah Lifestyle

    Thank you for sharing these tips as I am always looking for the best ideas to help feature on my blog post. I have learnt something new about Google Trends.

    1. Hey, wow! glad you picked some tips from this post.

  32. Such a helpful post! ✨ It was different from the other posts I’ve read under that title and I loved that. ?

    1. Hi Sam, I appreciate your visit, and input.

  33. Some great ideas to get you thinking of new content. I don’t refer back to Google key words enough.

    1. Hi Mill, thanks for passing by.

  34. I think this is a smart and excellent tips that is applicable for newbies or even pro bloggers that I admire. Thank you for sharing these suggestions.

    1. Hey Chelle, I appreciate for taking time to provide your input. Welcome.

  35. These are some pretty helpful tips. Thank you for sharing these with us.

  36. Great and informative post. Following up contributors in my niche on social media has been my secret on getting blog posts ideas

    1. Yes, that what I do too.

  37. Lovely post and I am happy that I have discovered your blog!

    1. Welcome. Glad you found this helpful.

  38. Great ideas, thanks for sharing! I love the tip about asking your readers directly. It’s such a simple and amazing way to know exactly what they want to read, but often overlooked!

    1. Hi, actually it is the best way to find the blog post ideas that will generate most engagement. Thanks for visiting.

  39. Aloh Che Avatar

    I always brain storm about my new interest. Also, I like to review my blog and see how can I improve a topic that I already talked about it.

    1. Hi Aloh, I appreciate your feedback.

  40. Fantastic suggestions! 🙂 Sometimes it is hard to come up with new ideas, so I appreciate the information you have included in the post.

    1. Hi Alexandra, thank for your input.

    2. Hi Alexandra, thanks for your input!

  41. This is going to help so many bloggers, including me! I know I’ve been victim of a writer’s block or two in my day.

    1. Hey Stacie, your feedback is well taken. Thanks for visiting.

  42. Congrats! Your post won Inspire Me Monday!

    1. Thanks, great to hear that. Looking forward to the next Inspire Me Monday Party!

  43. I have never thought about using Google Trends, but I love the idea. Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips!

  44. Great tips John! I especially like your first suggestion, on Keyword search, which I’m definitely giving a try! Thanks for the continuing insights!

  45. mrhappywork Avatar

    I love these tips. I personally use a lot of social media outlets, news sites, and other forums to find inspiration. People talk enough that I usually end up with more topics than I have time to write about!

    1. Hi, social sites can provide good ideas on trending tips. Thanks for visiting.

  46. These are some great tips for planning blog posts! I need to utilize keyword planner more!

    1. Hi, as always, thanks for your input. Welcome.

  47. My mobile has been acting up. so delete this if it is the third time that I have commented. I wanted to say thank you for these tactics. I am going to spend some time reviewing this thoroughly. I have lots of ideas and I think these tactics with be helpful to narrow them down to what would be more popular to write and post.

    1. Hi Jenny, glad you’ve found this helpful. Thanks for visiting.

  48. Some of these I had never heard of before. Definitely checking into them. Thanks so much for your help!

    1. Hey, I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks for dropping by.

  49. […] You can also read: How to get the best blog post ideas […]

  50. Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm…these sound nice! I can surely take them on.

  51. Really great tips. Thanks for sharing it at #WoW Words on Wednesday.

  52. spiceitupp Avatar

    Some great tips here. Saving this post for future reference!

    1. Thanks for reading, most welcomed.

  53. Wow! Being that I am a “creative,” I took a completely different approach to finding blog material. I appreciate that your method is completely pragmatic and trend-built, while my natural instinct —and the strategy that we’ve been using—is most aptly labeled the “tuning fork method.” I think about what I want to write about and frigging start writing (or filming, if it’s a video post). Thanks for helping me think more practically.

    1. Hi Vox, that is what we call creativity, I think is one of the best way to come up with Ideas. What I have listed here is just but a guide, different people use their own ways to come up with ideas for new posts. What is important is to make sure your content is in tune with your audience otherwise thanks for visiting.

  54. The keyword planner is really helpful. Bookmarked this page.

    1. Hi, thanks for the feedback.

  55. User comments is definitely one of my favored ways to come up with blog post ideas. I love when people ask questions and I am happy to answer them.

    1. Dr. Elise, you are exactly on point, getting ideas from your audience is usually one of the best way to write posts that can generate more engagements than just picking your ideas in isolation.

  56. Lots of great ideas I hadn’t thought of. Can’t wait to try some of these. Thanks!

  57. I never have a problem coming up with ideas thankfully!!

    1. Hi, I appreciate your visit.

  58. Great tips! I just got into using Google’s Keyword planner before creating posts and it really helps 🙂

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting on this post. You are most welcomed.

  59. Great tips. I can definitely use some of these.

    1. Hi thanks for reading.

  60. I really need to start using the Google Keywords Planner. I’ve heard so many good things about it.

    1. Hi, yes Google Keyword planner is a useful tool especially if you want to optimize your site to rank better in search engines.

  61. Great advice! thank you!

    1. Hi Tahlia, thanks for reading.

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