Budgeting 101- Learning the Essentials

Have you ever been into a supermarket and knew you aren’t supposed to buy something but end up buying it? Well, then you need to have a budgeting plan with you to save you some trouble. Nobody likes budgeting, I know. But neither any of us likes to spend all of our money and remain empty-handed until our next paycheck. That is why budgeting is necessary. People may consider budgeting to be difficult to do but with the right knowledge and guidance, it is easier than you think. Here is some self directed ira custodian from Personal Income for making you more aware for your future plans.


For making your life easy, following are the essentials of budgeting:

Know exactly your cash inflow and outflow

To assign your income, you first must be fully aware of where it is coming from, and where it is going to.

You may be a new earner, or you may have been earning for a while, knowing your cash flow should be the first and foremost thing to figure out.

Set your goals

You do not have to be a budget wizard to set what your goals should be, and here is how you can set your goals.

Know how much you can spend

To set your goals, you must know how much is it there to be spending on your necessities that are your food, utility bills, gas, rent and stuff like this. But do not stop there; plan ahead of the amount you are going to spend on your luxuries too because here is where you will spend recklessly if there is no proper planning. So list down how many times are you planning to dine out!

You can also read: How to have a Smarter Spending Plan.

Know how much you should be saving

To set your goals, it is vital to leave a window open for saving. You must be fully prepared for the times to come ahead because loans are not the priority for many of us, this saving would count as an emergency saving

And in case you are planning to invest in something big something fancy, like a car or a house per se then you need to save for it separately. Do not mix it with your emergency saving.

Also Read: How to Improve Your Money Mindset

Stick to the plan

No matter if you are up all night and craving for a pizza or a hamburger, stick to your plan! Because why did you bother yourself all weekend planning up if you were not even planning to hold to it.

In case of need, of course, you are supposed to spend but be very careful about what you are saying a need.

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When you are done with figuring out how much money you earn and how much you spend and then came to know how much you should actually pay and save, you can quickly set a goal. But setting a goal is not anything until you stick to it. After sticking to it you can see changes in your finance, you can know whether the plan was up to the mark or not. If not, then make amendments but if yes then repeat it. If necessary, make changes once in a while.

Sarah Smith

Author Bio: Sarah Smith has been a personal finance author for the last five years. She is also an independent and very passionate finance and investment advisor. She regularly posts at www.personalincome.org.

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15 responses to “Budgeting 101- Learning the Essentials”

  1. Courtney Avatar

    This is such a useful post! I make budgets but sometimes have trouble sticking to them.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Courtney!

  2. […] Related article: Budgeting 101- Learning the Essentials […]

  3. What a helpful and useful guide on the importance of budgeting and how to actually start doing it! As someone who is a big advocate and supporter of Dave Ramsey, I can honestly say that budgeting and being mindful of our spending has been a great asset to our marriage and well-being.

    1. Hi Pantea, I totally concur with you! thanks very much for the insightful feedback!

  4. Great tips! I love your straightforward and no nonsense approach! I’ll definitely be incorporating these tips starting today!

    1. Hi, glad you found these budgeting tips useful. Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Thanks for sharing, im more of a complusive shopper so I always end up broke because I did not budget what to buy.
    Will follow your tips

    1. Hi, appreciate your feedback.

  6. World In Eyes Avatar
    World In Eyes

    Budget is an important part of life and business, it is good you have describe in simple way by following the income and expenses.

    1. Thanks again for your feedback.

  7. Visiting from Thoughtful Thursday. LINK UP. Good, helpful advice for anyone needing help sewith budgeting. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Cherly, am really grateful for visiting. I will also check out your blog. Welcome.

  8. Sachin Sharma Avatar
    Sachin Sharma

    Great piece! Offers a clear direction to people who want to achieve their budgeting goals. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Sachin, am grateful for your visit and commenting on this article.

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