Reasons why Grammarly is the best tool for Bloggers

Succeeding online as a blogger depends so much on the content you create and how you market it to reach the desired audience. Creating high quality content is one of the key factors that contributes to your success online, in fact good content that doesn’t have grammatical errors or one that is not plagiarized contributes to good rankings in search engines as this in most would attract readers. Writing can be a daunting task especially to new writers or people using say English as their second language. To make your work easier, you need a good proofreading and plagiarism checker tool especially if you are handling lots of content for example from freelancing writers or guest bloggers. Grammarly has been tested by many users and proven to be one of the best grammar, spelling and plagiarism checker for writers.

With only a free account you have access to some of the basic features to help you check your content for errors. To be able to understand this article well, you need to at least have access to Grammarly either using a free account or premium account. Having created a free account, you are able to access the Grammarly website, where you can upload files like .doc, .txt, etc.  edit them, then export them to their originally uploaded documents. Note that for fully formatted documents, Grammarly doesn’t store relevant data like headers, footers, images or page breaks. You may need to upgrade to a premium account to unlock additional features in your account.

The Grammarly Chrome Extension that is available for both free and premium members enables you to check for spelling and grammar on many other platforms on the internet like: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Gmail etc. This feature can be found in the Apps options on the left side of the Panel. Click on the install hyperlink in the Grammarly for chrome option at the top. You will then be directed to the Chrome web store where you can add Grammarly for chrome to your browser. With this chrome extension, you can access features like grammar and spelling check in the drop down menu that appears when you click on the icon. You can switch this extension using on/off switch hence being able to use it only when needed.

Why Grammarly Is the Best Tool for Bloggers #Bloggers #Blogging #Writers Share on X

Grammarly offers the Desktop App that provides the same features as the ones on the website. All you need to do is to install the Grammarly for windows, from the Apps option in your Grammarly account, with this; you are able to get to the Grammarly dashboard just by a click of your mouse.

Reasons why Grammarly is the best tool for bloggers

Grammarly Microsoft office feature is also a great feature that enables you to format your word documents without having to connect to the internet. Again you access this feature in your Apps option in the left side of the panel. Just click on install hyperlink on the, ‘’Grammarly for Microsoft office’’ box, down load and install the file. You can now access Microsoft word, after logging into your account. Here you can access your old documents or create new ones.

With the Premium account, you have access to more advanced and useful features like the plagiarism checker. This feature can show content source and detect plagiarism. Grammarly premium users can be able to handle large documents on the platform without interfering with the format, which can be impossible for the free account users.  Premium users can select document type they would like to create. This feature is not available for free account users.

Bottom line

Grammarly can make your blog writing and publishing work much easier. Rather than spending countless hours editing your content without completely removing the errors, you can simply run your document through Grammarly App, and have everything fixed in shortest time possible.

You can also read: How to get the best blog post ideas

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76 responses to “Reasons why Grammarly is the best tool for Bloggers”

  1. I agree, Grammarly is a must for all bloggers and writers. It takes a lot of the pressure off of trying to figure out what is proper. I even have the app on my phone.

    1. Hi Jenny, happy to learn that you are using Grammarly, thanks for reading.

  2. I’ve been using the free version of Grammarly for over a year now, and so far so good!

    1. Am glad you are already using Grammarly. Thanks for reading.

  3. Grammarly is a HUGE help! I tend to not spell things correctly from time to time lol!

    1. Thanks for visiting!

  4. Good to know about this app, which I never knew existed. I still just use a simple spell check and proofreading of my work before I publish. Sometimes I get caught out there and I edit immediately. But I have read other blogs and have seen a mess of errors. This will at least give us options to improve.

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. I’ve been using this program for the second year, really good.

    1. I really appreciate your feedback.

  6. Grammarly is worth every penny and more! I have been using it for years! I couldn’t imagine running my website without it. Especially, since it helps me with my spelling. I forget how to spell a lot due to a brain injury. Grammarly makes things easier for me.

    1. Hi Kim, thanks for the positive feedback.

  7. Grammarly is the best online grammar checking software because of its accuracy and easy integration with Word and online text boxes.

    1. I appreciate your visit.

  8. Fatima D Torres Avatar
    Fatima D Torres

    Grammarly has been one of my go-to tools for years. It makes running my blog a breeze. I don’t need to hire an editor. I rely on them to help me through the proofreading process.

    1. Great to hear that Fatima! Thanks.

  9. Create. Play. Travel. Avatar
    Create. Play. Travel.

    This sounds like a pretty cool tool for making your writing look professional. A quick way to edit for sure!

  10. I hadn’t heard of Grammarly before, but it sounds like a great tool. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I’ve been hearing about grammarly for years but still ever tried it! maybe its finally time

    1. Glad you found this useful.

  12. I haven’t heard of Grammarly before, but it’s good to know about different blogging tools that can help me out! Thanks for sharing this, I will look into it.

  13. Jacque Hooper Avatar
    Jacque Hooper

    Great concept! Time is precious; love that this helps with these things-especially plagiarism!

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

  14. Grammar is a huge part of blogging. In order to create good content you need to have access to tools like Grammarly.

  15. Creating high quality content is must for being a successful blogger and such tool certainly helps in grammar check.

  16. I’ve personally never used it before but I do know a number of people that have. I have a similar plugin on my site.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  17. This sounds like a great program. Ive never used it before but it sounds like a great addition to my blogging process

    1. Thanks for your feedback.

  18. Grammarly is really amazing. It can be a great help for bloggers like us.

    1. True. I appreciate your visit.

  19. I love Grammarly! I’m not sure what I did before without it…definitely agree its a must for online businesses and bloggers.

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

  20. Mosaics Lab Avatar
    Mosaics Lab

    oh i can’t agree more! I have been using Grammarly for three years now, i love it!!!


    1. Nice to learn that! Thanks for the feedback.

  21. When it comes to blog writing, I don’t use Grammarly, but I do enjoy using it for other types of writing for sure. It’s very helpful with grammar, sentence structure and word choice.


    1. Glad to hear that. Thanks for commenting on this post.

  22. Thank you, I may have to look into this for my blog and college work.

    1. Hi Erica, Grammarly is the best tool for proofreading! Try it out.

  23. I absolutely love Grammarly! #GlobalBlogging

  24. Hi, Grammarly is the best tool for bloggers and content writers.

    1. Hi Harsh, I appreciate your visit.

  25. I just discovered Grammarly and love it.

    1. Appreciated. You are most welcomed.

  26. Nice post Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Sidra, thanks for visiting!

  27. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on! I didn’t know about this.

    1. Hi, thanks for reading.Welcome.

  28. This is very interesting. I will be looking into it.

    1. Hi, its free to sign up. You can just test out with a free account. In fact it can help you so much when you are writing your blog posts.

  29. I haven’t set up an account with Grammarly yet but I’ve been reading and hearing good stuff. I think I’ll go ahead.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Judy @sensibledove

    1. Hi, thanks very much for reading. Yes, you can start just with a free account, and test out their services. If you are a blogger, who values good and high quality content, then you need this tool. Welcome.

  30. You’re right! It’s such a useful tool. Saving me hours with some grammar check.

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by.

  31. Well said John. Winning tool to get your grammar game tight. Pinned and Tweeted.


    1. Hi Ryan, thanks for reading and sharing.

  32. This post confirms why I use Grammarly. It does save time by diving into your grammar, punctuation and content goals. I could’t write without it!

    1. Hi Michele, am grateful for your positive input. You are most welcomed.

  33. Thanks for the information. The tool seems good. I will definitely try it.

    1. Hi, thanks for the positive feedback. You are most welcomed.

  34. JUST found out about grammarly last week… wish I would have known about it sooner!

    1. Hi Kat, Yes it is a useful tool for blogging. Thanks for visiting.

  35. I’ve been using grammarly and it is a very helpful tool for the bloggers like me. After reading your experience on premium services I’ll going to buy this premium service also. Thanks for sharing…

    1. Hi Shweta, thanks for your input. You can use the links in the post. I would appreciate.

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