Moving Towards A Coaching Leadership Style

The cut-throat competition in the corporate world is urging organizations to take different, and effective, steps in order to survive and thrive. Therefore, many organizations are drifting towards this trend of coaching leadership style. There are numerous benefits associated with this style. Generally, this coaching is done on an individual level; hence, all the employees work in an organization can obtain its benefits.

leadership coaching

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of moving towards this style of coaching:

It Can Improve the Profitability of the Firm

Coaching in leadership style, if implemented in a firm, can have a positive effect on its profitability. Employees will be inspired to work with full dedication and commitment. Since every employee will be able to work to the best of their potential, overall productivity will witness a surge. This enhanced productivity will result in improved profitability of the firm.

Better Communication Among Employees Working on Different Levels

With coaching leadership style, the communication in the organization becomes better as it flows both ways. In the traditional working styles, managers or people working in higher authorities pass on commands to their subordinates and there is no room for other way communication. However, with this style, concerns can be voiced by the subordinates during their dialogues with the executives. Their problems are listened and dealt with in a proper manner. The ultimate result is better communication among employees regardless of their posts.

Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the prominent features of the coaching leadership style is that it helps to identify one’s strengths and weaknesses. The leader is involved in all the aspects and they communicate with subordinates on a routine basis. Thus, they develop an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. This allows them to use specific coaching techniques that can turn those weaknesses into strengths. This way, the productivity and efficiency of the employees increase, which, in turn, gives a boost to the profitability of the firm.

Helps to Raise New Leaders

Leaders who use effective coaching skills can help to raise a new generation of leaders. They instill leadership skills in their subordinates, prepare them for the challenges they will face in the future, and serve as an inspiration to them. In addition to that, they also motivate, encourage, and urge them to do better, expand their horizon, set viable career goals, and most importantly, lead from the front. All these skills can help them to become a better leader in the future.

You can also read: Characteristics of successful leaders

Promotes the Culture of Feedback

In the conventional work environments that do not have leadership style coaching, the culture of feedback is hardly prevalent. Regardless of their post, employees in a conventional work environment aren’t really open to feedbacks. Hence, communication flows in a single direction. However, leadership coaching can introduce the culture of feedback. Feedback allows the communication to flow in both ways. It promotes learning, development, and motivation. Effective feedback can also help in converting the flaws of an individual into their strengths.

Related content: Leadership resources

A Final Word

To sum it up, every organization, regardless of its nature, can obtain numerous benefits by making this ‘move’. However, for conducting a coaching program in the leadership style, it is important for the employees to have a growth mindset. They must be prepared well in advance before adopting this style. If they aren’t ready to embrace this change, you may not get the desired result in your organization. Any concerns or ambiguity they have related to this move, it should be cleared in advance. Furthermore, they must be made aware of the individual benefits they can obtain if the organization is adopting this trend.

Author Bio:

Moving towards a Coaching Leadership Style

John Mattone is the world’s top executive coach & authority on Intelligent Leadership (IL), the world’s best executive coach and the creator of the IL Executive Coaching Process and Certification. John Mattone is globally respected as a uniquely distinguished top leadership coach authority who can ignite and strengthen a leader’s inner-self and talents, which enables them to realize four “game-changing” outcomes that they can leverage in their business and life: Altruism, Affiliation, Achievement, and Abundance (The 4 A’s).

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51 responses to “Moving Towards A Coaching Leadership Style”

  1. Very interesting ????

  2. […] Related: Moving Towards A Coaching Leadership Style […]

  3. These are great tips for an entrepreneur like myself. I think I will send these to my boss as well.

    1. Appreciated. Most welcomed.

  4. All good tips here. I think everyone needs a coach where it be in business or life.

    1. Yes, thanks for the feedback Maggie.

  5. I think it is awesome to have a coaching leadership style. It is great to help people turn into their own leaders, we need more leaders in the world.

    1. Hi Kiwi, thanks for your input.

  6. I absolutely agree with everything that you said. More people need to be aware of these tips and make use of the benefits. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Great article and great tips. As someone who has a few people working under them. These tips will come in handy.

  8. Even as an entrepreneur I can use these tips. You have truly made this for everyone.

    Elizabeth Keene

  9. Yeah Lifestyle Avatar
    Yeah Lifestyle

    These are great tips for companies to motivate their staff and turning them into great leaders. Thank you for the share.

  10. keisha1989 Avatar

    These are some really great tips. I like that these tips can be applied to my niche. I can’t wait to check out the rest of your posts.

  11. This is such a wonderful tips. It is really important to have a proper communication between employees and those in a position.

  12. These are really great tips. I love this blog. I think that it would be able to help improve a lot of management positions and styles

    1. Hi Nikki, I really appreciate your feedback.

  13. I agree. Communication is key…as always, great tips and suggestions here. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  14. This is a great post! I’m have to share it with my hubby who just started a new job managing a new team 🙂

  15. this is awesome. there Should be more articles like this serving as resourceful information

    1. Thanks for the feedback Jasmine.

  16. Jacque Hooper Avatar
    Jacque Hooper

    I was a manager of an office for several years, and I always felt that it helped me reflect on my weaknesses and strengths when I trained others for advancement. Great tips!

    1. Am grateful for your feedback.

  17. Interesting post! I can definitely apply some of your tips to my team!

    1. Am grateful for your visit!

  18. Catherine Santiago Jose Avatar
    Catherine Santiago Jose

    I believe this is a great idea to every company that needs to grow and develop its employee to be a good leader in their own department. This is definitely a must to company’s goal.

  19. This is a very interesting perspective. Definitely has benefits in every field!

  20. Thanks for this post. This is really relevant to what I’m studying at my University. Great insight!

  21. Ben Butler Avatar

    I’ve read several of his posts, and he really seems to know his stuff. He’s got a lot of knowledge.

    1. Hi Ben, I appreciate your feedback.

  22. Nice insight John. Particularly I liked the fact that this style encourages two way communication. Great write up.

  23. Current scenario in most of the organizations is that employees are less motivated, redundant to their regular work. They need motivation for self-belief and to learn new technologies so that they can work efficiently. So effective coaching comes to the rescue in this aspect.

  24. Any time a management style makes employees feel valued and affirms them it is good for the individual and company. Coaching team sports is similar. The team benefits when each player is maximizing their skills and being coached to find their strengths.

    1. Hi Gillie, Coaching is paramount to employee talent development.

  25. School principals might be better served to adopt this leadership style with their faculty and staff as well. If mine had, I might not have retired in the middle on the school year. Excellent insight John!

    1. Thanks for the insightful comments.

  26. I facilitate Leadership development programmes as part of my proper job so this post was interesting to me. It never fails to amaze me how many organisations still don’t recognise the value of a Coaching style to leadership.

    1. Hi, posts like this helps to highlight the importance of leadership coaching in an organization. Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment on this post.

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