Reasons why I consider Continuous Learning as a Key Factor in Personal Growth

Continuous learning is a key aspect of our personal development especially in the current computer age where there is an ever-changing technology. Continuous learning is the urge to acquire knowledge and skills in preparation for your future opportunities.

I have always aspired to pursue more learning to gain a deeper understanding of say a given subject or gain more skills in my profession. I believe for us to better keep up with the latest trends in our various industries, we need to keep on learning.

Education shouldn’t be a one life event whereby once you have completed and gained a certification, you stop but it should be considered as a lifelong process of personal growth.

I get inspired by great minds the likes of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates who in spite of their great success in life, they still  pursue more knowledge. They view learning as the best investment of our time.

Why I consider Continuous learning as a Key Factor in Personal Growth

Some of the reasons I continue to learn, and will even do it more in future are:

  1. With my continued learning, am able to improve my profile and hence my employability. This enables me get prepared well for future job opportunities and also I can easily get recommendations for new jobs.
  2. Am also able to gain leadership skills. Continuous learning helps me develop my leadership skills which are the keys to succeeding in life and career. For example with good leadership skills you are able to manage people under you effectively for better results.
  3. As indicated in the introduction, continuous learning also helps me remain relevant. To keep with ever-changing technology, I read to remain updated and informed with current trends in my industry.

How I do it

When you are open-minded, and curious it is easier for you to seek new knowledge or take in different opinion say on a given subject.

So I do I go about learning continuously?

  • Most of the time, I learn new things by doing research.
  • I also frequently write on topics related to my profession or industry and share it with my audience, say on LinkedIn or Facebook Groups related to that subject. This way I am able to keep learning new ideas while at the same time, sharing the knowledge with other people.
  • I do frequently register for trainings online at various websites that offers trainings that I see fit for my career development. We have many companies offering such a courses that you can register online and improve your skill set or gain new skills, example of such a firm is Kaplan.
  • I do participate in group discussions on social media networks.
  • Lastly I read articles online, listen to podcasts, and watch YouTube Videos.

You can also read: How to succeed in your Career

How do you keep on pursuing learning? Feel free to share your ideas in the comment section below. #AFutureYouCanCountOn

Related: How to take your life to another level with these Personal development resources

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63 responses to “Reasons why I consider Continuous Learning as a Key Factor in Personal Growth”

  1. I the person who is constantly learning. Self improvement is very important to me.

    1. True! thanks for reading.

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    I love pursuing courses on coursera, it’s got a nice variety as well!

    1. Hi, glad to know that.

  3. I absolutely agree! Learning doesn’t stop in school, it also helps improve our memory as adults when we continuously exercise reading and watching things that make us really think. I love learning through Audiobooks, podcasts, and online courses like Coursera 🙂

    1. Hi Marianne, I appreciate your insightful feedback!

  4. This a great post, learning is a continuous process and Is a way of growth. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love the concept of life long learning. Such an important thing to remember that continued learning is linked to personal growth. Thank you for this great article!

  6. […] You can also read: Why Continuous learning is important for Personal Growth […]

  7. There is no limitation of learnings and learning does not calculate any age.It’s a whole life process.So,thanks for reminding us to explore new discoveries through learning!

    1. Hi, thanks for your feedback, you are welcomed.

  8. Its more important than ever to keep on top of continuous learning, especially in this digital age where everything is so fast moving

  9. These are great tips- it’s always important to continue to grow!

  10. Natalie MemeandHarri Avatar
    Natalie MemeandHarri

    I don’t have a lot of time now as my children are only young however the last couple of years I have tried to learn more and develop my skills. I have been on a photography class and some blogging seminars and I have loved them.

    1. Happy to learn that you are finding some time in between your busy life to pursue some learning. Thanks.

  11. Lyosha Varezhkina Avatar
    Lyosha Varezhkina

    These are absolutely right reasons. I think learning stimulates brain the best and stimulating brain is the way to evolve and grow and stay young

    1. True! thanks for reading.

  12. Jessica May Avatar
    Jessica May

    Continuing Education is so important in many fields. I completely agree with your point!

    1. Hi Jessica, am grateful for visiting and taking your time to comment.

  13. There is no end to learning and knowledge. It is important to be stay updated in today’s world.

    1. True! I appreciate your visit.

  14. Va Anne Rome Avatar
    Va Anne Rome

    I totally agree with this. A continuous learning can give has a lot of benefits. So it is so important that we keep education ourselves.

    1. I appreciate your feedback. Welcome Anne.

  15. How else do you learn, unless you grow?! Agree 100 percent!

    1. Thanks Beth for reading.

  16. Podcasts are a great way to learn and there are so many different ones available now no matter what you’re studying or researching…such a great tool. These are excellent tips!

  17. I never understood why some people just stop learning after they’ve secured a degree, a job, or even because they’ve gotten older. Most universities offer classes to the community at dirt cheap prices. Even libraries offer courses for free. There are just too many opportunities out there at our disposal to help us increase our knowledge base.

    1. Sometimes it is how society has shaped people’s minds that you go to school to get educated, get a job then that is it. I think everyone should know that learning is a continuous process that occur throughout a person life.

  18. I totally agree with you! After I finished graduate school, I would always tell my husband that I felt like my brain was shrinking from the lack of learning. I then realized, I didn’t need to be in a classroom to learn! I try to read up on several different topics and I try to be around people who stimulate my mind with interest discussions. I’m a true believer in being a life long learner because it really does help you grow. I wish more people realized this!

    1. True Emmy, thanks for your insightful feedback!

  19. Alexandra Cook Avatar
    Alexandra Cook

    I Just love the topic. It shows how helpful having a continues learning. Learning should never stop because because knowledge plus a good attitude is key to our success.

    1. Yes, thanks for commenting on this article.

  20. I definitely agree that continuing to learn is a good thing for personal growth. The world is changing so rapidly around us so if we want to grow as a person, we have to learn and adapt along the way

    1. True, as always very good feedback. Thanks.

    2. I totally concur with you. Thanks.

  21. Totally agree with this post. I love to keep learniing daily as it makes me feel good and happy.

    1. Glad to learn that. Welcome.

  22. Personal growth is vital in order to keep growing. We should always keep learning in order to better ourselves, great article!

  23. We should always be learning. Otherwise, we can’t grow personally or professionally.

  24. i agree that one should always be learning. I don’t have a ton of time for reading, but love to listen to podcasts!

    1. Thanks Danielle, for your feedback.

  25. I am big advocate of continous learning. I often say “Always Be Learning”.

    1. Glad to learn that, thanks.

  26. There’s a quote regarding this, which I can’t remember off of the top of my head. However, I’ve thought this though for years, and at 25 I believe that even though I’m young, I’ll always wish to know more as I’m older. Learning is one of my favorite aspects of life, even when it’s something I wish I hadn’t before. Thank you for the post!

    1. Hi, I really appreciate your feedback. Yes, everyone should embrace continuous learning.

  27. Ben Butler Avatar
    Ben Butler

    Continuous learning is an integral part of every aspect of life. We should always strive to grow in both our personal and business lives.

    1. True, thanks for reading.

  28. oooh this surely a pretty good view towards continuous learning.Learning doesn’t stop, it does go on and on.It shouldn’t be all about certificates and then you are done, long as you are living you have to keep on piling and collecting knowledge in different kinds of areas of your interest..learning is not just a school thing and then it’s done,’s continuous and should always be enjoyed as it surely gives satisfaction out of feeling confident and well versed and read in so and so area. It’s pretty amazing, thanks John.

    1. Hey Jeff, thanks very much for those insightful comments on this post. Yes, we should keep on learning.

  29. Hi John,
    I’m a big believer in continuous learning.
    Enjoyed reading this post and thanks for sharing the differentials ways you seek to add to your knowledge.

    1. Hi, thanks for the feedback. Welcome.

  30. Thanks John. As always, a nice, informative read.

  31. Thanks for linking up at Booknificent Thursday on!

      1. couldn’t agree more. It’s so important to constantly learn about our changing environment, economy, etc. Thanks for sharing!

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