Why Media.net is the best alternative to Google Adsense

The ultimate goal for bloggers is to monetize their blogs and create some income flow from them, but getting the right ad networks to monetize your blog can be a challenging task to new bloggers or even seasoned bloggers.

We have several ways you can monetize your blog, and these include:

  • Displaying ads
  • Promoting affiliate products
  • Selling your own products, for example creating and selling your own courses
  • Sponsored posts
  • Writing product reviews
  • Create a membership site

Displaying ads is one of the simpler way to monetize your blog provided you have a good traffic to your website. To find the right and reputable networks to work with, you need to do research or ask for recommendations from successful or established bloggers, this is to avoid signing up for ad networks that will waste your time and end up generating no revenue.

At now, Google AdSense, is one of the very best  ad network to monetize a blog or website,  but getting approved can be the main stumbling block for many bloggers. You may have the best website in terms of content and traffic and still your application can be rejected by Google AdSense.

Reasons why media.net is the best alternative to Google adsense

So what do you do, if your dream was to use Google AdSense, but now you can’t get past the approval stage? You look for alternatives. The very best alternative to Google AdSense, is Media.net.

Note that, even if you are already using Google AdSense, you can add Media.net without affecting the Google AdSense policy.

Media.net was one of the first networks, I joined when I was just starting out my blog, and over the years, I have found it to be the best as compared to other alternatives to Google AdSense.


Reasons to Consider Media.net

I would recommend Media.net to any publisher or blogger for the following reasons:

  • They offer contextual ads, which blend well with any content type
  • Besides contextual ads, they also offer Display, Native and Video ads
  • They have no strict publisher’s requirements like Google Adsense.
  • Once you apply, they take a very short time to assess your website, i.e. a maximum of two business days.
  • They also have a referral program, if accepted to the program, you can earn 10% commission inviting new members to Media.net.
  • New members are eligible for an additional 10% for 3 months over and above their usual earnings.

Media.net Contextual ads

This format filters the user’s intent via relevant search keywords resulting in finely targeted ads and much higher revenues as advertisers are willing to pay more for visitors with qualified intent.

Media.net Native ads

Native ads are completely customized to the look and feel of your pages for higher user engagement. With native ads, you have the option of driving your audience to contextually relevant articles on your site through  the native unit.

Media.net Display ads

With display ads, you have access to high quality from major buyer networks. You stand to benefit from media net relationships with major networks like DSPs, DMPs, Vertical networks, Performance networks, Horizontal networks, Agency trading desks among others.

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81 responses to “Why Media.net is the best alternative to Google Adsense”

  1. This is a great alternative to Google Ad sense. I like the quick turn around time for application processing!

  2. nice post. i like the post very much.thanks sir for your nice post.

    1. I appreciate your feedback!

  3. this is a nice post.

    1. You are welcomed.

  4. […] Why media.net is the best alternative to Google Adsense […]

  5. […] Why media net is the best alternative to Google Adsense […]

  6. This is a great alternative to Google Adsense. I like the quick turn around time for application processing..

    1. Hey Sunny, thanks for your feedback.

  7. Thank you for sharing! I use Media.net and although it takes a while to get your feet off the ground it’s worth it!

    – Nyxie


    1. Hi, I use Media net in addition to other ad networks like Google adsense. Thanks for your feedback.

  8. Too many beautiful on your website.

    1. Thanks for dropping by!

  9. this is a nice post.

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