Having an extra income is always a good thing even if you don’t need it. It can be challenging to get revenue resources that can provide you with an extra income. But before you start looking out for these extra revenue sources, always look within, you might be surprised to find a great source of income from what you currently spend your free time on, that might make you ask yourself, ‘’why didn’t I start thinking of this earlier?’’
Some of the best sources of extra income are personal blogs but often they are overlooked. Blogs have a great potential of creating additional revenue to supplement your normal income. Using a personal blog to generate an extra income, is all about creating the right type of content and having the right type of ad partner to work with to monetize your blog. You can create a standout blog by focusing on niche content; things you know best and are passionate about.

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The contextual ads perform better on niche blogs and they also protect reader’s privacy. One best example of contextual ad network is media.net. Media.net contextual ads have a track record of doing well on niche blogs. Since I have used media.net for a long time to monetize my blogs, and achieved good results, I highly recommend them.

If you are already using an ad partner on your blog, diversify your revenue source for greater benefits. More demand sources means more competition, which means more revenue for you; media.net offers exclusive demand that is not available anywhere else. Media.net plays well with other ad partners or networks; this can help bring in income that is otherwise lost.
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Blogging can be enjoyable and a great hobby; it can also be a great source of revenue to help you supplement your income.
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