Having an extra income source is usually a good thing whether you need the money now or not. A side gig is a great way to boost your income. We have so many ways you can generate extra income on the side online and even offline. You can create a passive income stream through ways like having a SEO optimized blog that is driving visitors from search engines that can enable you earn revenue through display advertising. Other ways that we can classify as active income sources requires that you invest your time.
We have so many countless ways you can actively generate extra revenue to supplement your normal income, I have picked a few of them as discussed below:
Make Money Blogging through Affiliate Marketing
We have hundreds of thousands of people who are using blogs to express their thoughts by writing on variety of topics. Blogs if used well, can enable you generate extra income on the side; all you need to do, is find a niche that you are passionate about, and which is also profitable i.e. it can attract many people, and drive sales through product recommendations. You can then create a blog around your niche topic, build an audience base through SEO and promoting your site on social media, forums etc. When you establish a reliable audience base for your site, it is now time to apply to join programs like Amazon Associates, Shareasale, Clickbank among others.
As your write about topics you are passionate about, recommend products to your audience and you are likely to make sales as they will see you as an expert in your field and will trust your recommendations.
Related: How to make money blogging
Become a Seller
You can start selling stuff you donโt need in your house on platforms like eBay. Apps like Poshmark can help you sell clothing, shoes and accessories that you no longer need or wear.

Play Online Games
Instead of wasting your time on social media, or watching television you can actually use this time to generate extra money on the side by playing games online.
You can also read: Online Side hustles to enable you make extra income
Recommended Articles & Resources:
Become a Writer
You can do a side gig at Upwork or Fiverr while you work in your normal day job. You can use your free time to complete writing gigs as a freelancer. Jobs like this, can enable you to make a few hundred dollars to supplement your normal income.
Give your opinion
We have many companies that are ready to pay you in order to get your opinion with regard to given products. To participate, simply sign up for paid survey sites like SurveySavvy, or companies involved in market research which are offering paid surveys in order to get your opinion on different subjects.
Also read:
- Goodbye 9 to 5 Desk Job, Welcome Work from Home
- Amazing Freelancing Facts You Should Know
- What is a Social media influencer and how you can make money
- 10 Influencer Marketing Networks to enable you make over $5000 monthly Blogging
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