9 Effective Ways of Repurposing Content for Best Results

Repurposing Content means finding new ways to recycle your existing content. Sometimes creating content on a regular basis to feed your social media channels can be a challenging task hence the need to find ways of using your old content but in a creative way to generate more engagement.

Repurposing content has many benefits like the following:

  • It helps you reach a new audience
  • It helps you get most of out the content you created; re-purposed content helps get new eyeballs on your blog posts, videos and infographics.

Repurposing content actually helps to give your content a new life by presenting it in a different way.

Before you re-purpose your content, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What type of content do you have?
  • What type of content has received the most of engagement?
  • Do you have more of videos, or blog posts?

As you answer the above questions, you get a full understanding of the options you have with regard to repurposing your content.

9 Effective ways of repurposing content

To get more eyeballs on your content, we have several ways you can re-purpose your content and breathe a new life to it as you share it with your social media users:

  1. Convert your old posts into guides, for example you may have written a post in the past on how to make money blogging, take this blog post and convert it into, ”The ultimate guide to making money blogging”. With a few changes here and there, you will give life to your old article and get more engagement and even new audience as you share it with your social media users.
  2. Convert a blog post into a webinar, pick on any of your most popular blog posts, and turn them into webinars. Blog posts can actually make very good webinars since they tend to focus on a given topic, while covering it in depth. You can then share this with your social media users.
  3. Turn popular blog posts or videos into podcasts, podcasts are gaining much popularity among many people. You can leverage on this popularity to drive more people to your content. Take your most popular posts and videos and turn them into podcasts episodes. Am sure this will drive more engagement with your social media users.
  4. Turn Quotes into Visuals, if you have articles or posts with powerful quotes, you can these quotes and create a series of graphics to share on social media. Social media with images have a higher engagement than those without visuals.
  5. Republish content a different platform, pick up one of your best performing posts, and make a few changes like the blog title, images and publish it on platforms like LinkedIn, and Medium while linking back to your original post. You will definitely get some referral traffic from these platforms to your blog.
  6. Create an infographic; infographics are most likely to be read than just normal text article. Use platforms like canva to create infographics for your blog posts, and you will see more people reading your articles.
  7. Trim videos to short snippets or GIFs, social media has very short attention spans, therefore long videos won’t be of great help to your social media marketing efforts. It is therefore advisable to take your full length videos and size them into shorter videos. Creating shorter videos that you can share on your social media networks that lead to your full videos is a simple way of reusing your already created content.
  8. Use Quora, a Question and Answer platform. Go to Quora and look for a question that has up votes and one that you believe relates to what you blog about, answer it well inform of  a blog post while including a link to your more in depth blog post. You’ll generate traffic to your original post on your blog, while establishing yourself as an expert in your field.
  9. Use internal data/statistics in your tweets, if you have statistical data on a given topic and you have written on the same topic on your blog, you can turn this into an individual tweetable elements by adding a click to tweet link to the end of the stats, and using compelling stats in your tweets.


Having looked at the above ways of repurposing content, I believe if you have an effective content repurposing plan, you will be able to get most out of your content as you share it on social media just by utilizing what we have discussed above.

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88 responses to “9 Effective Ways of Repurposing Content for Best Results”

  1. Some good ideas on repurposing content!

  2. […] Related: 9 Effective Ways of Repurposing Content for Best Results […]

  3. Another useful post. I really enjoy your articles.

    1. Hi, nice to get your feedback.

  4. This is such a great read! Also – super helpful!

  5. Repurposing content is such a great idea! I only have a few posts right now but I’m looking forward to repurposing as I have more 🙂

    1. Hi Megan, you can create new posts just from your old posts by repurposing them. I have created a bunch of articles this way, and they have performed well with my audience otherwise thanks for your feedback.

  6. EsmeSalon Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks. For sure I will revisit but have pinned for now.
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    We hope to meet you there virtually.

    1. Hi, will check it out.

  7. drandreatowersscott Avatar

    These are fantastic tips, thank you!

  8. Very helpful tips, that’s what I try to do..

    1. Hi, am grateful for dropping by!

  9. These are some great tips. I always forget about answer the public and quora. Thank you for sharing these awesome recommendations.

    1. Hi Crystal, you are welcome!

  10. Great tips here! I like the idea of a podcast for repurposing my old articles.

    1. Hi Colette, I appreciate your feedback.

  11. I am glad I came across your blog. I do have a number of old blogs that needs a bit of repurposing.

    1. Hi Kevin, am happy you found this article useful. Thanks for dropping by!

  12. […] Related: 9 Effective Ways of Repurposing Content for Best Results […]

  13. This is actually a really useful post, especially for bloggers who have been at it a long time!

    1. Hi harry, thanks for your feedback!

  14. Excellent post. Something I’ve not given too much thought to, but your advice has given me some ideas.

    1. Hi, am glad that you found this post useful. Thanks for the feedback.

  15. Great ideas! I haven’t tapped into the podcast arena yet. New things to consider!

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by!

  16. So much great inspiration on how to repurpose old content and recycle it into new formats! thank you so much for sharing

  17. Repurposing content into infographics and guides are two areas I need to spend some time on. Thanks.

    1. Hi, I appreciate your feedback.

  18. Excellent tips! Will definitely use them 🙂

    1. Thanks Nina for dropping by.

  19. Useful ideas, thank you for sharing this. Keep it up!

    1. Hi Lomash, am grateful for your feedback.

  20. a Life on a Dime Avatar
    a Life on a Dime

    I need to revamp quite a few of my earlier posts! They were so short compared to my more recent ones. Plus, sometimes I find one that would make a good YouTube video! Great suggestions.

    1. THanks Cassie for your feedback on this post.

  21. These are some great ideas. I will definitely consider trying them.

  22. […] You can also read: How to drive visitors to your old blog posts by repurposing them […]

  23. Thanks for the tips! I’ve got some new ideas to add to my to-do list!

    1. I appreciate your feedback Erin.

  24. This is clutch. I have it on my todo list to fix some old blog posts and you’ve definitely inspired me on how to fix that. Thank you!

    1. Hi Matt, thanks. Glad you found this post helpful!

  25. engodel Avatar

    Great post – some really good ideas that I will keep in mind as my blog grows. I really like the podcast idea

    1. Hi, I really appreciate your feeback. Happy to know that you found this article useful.

  26. Great posts! It’s exactly what I am currently doing. Still a lot to go back and repurpose! I hope I can finished them and make new fresh ones. Thank you I enjoy reading your suggestions!

    1. Hi April, am grateful for your feedback.

  27. supportlimitbreaker Avatar

    Great post, I also think compiling a bunch of similar posts together and doing an overarching guide post could work. Then you’d link to each of the smaller sub-category posts within that one.

    1. Hi, yes that is a good idea too! Thanks.

  28. That’s a helpful post, thank you. I will look at refreshing my blog in the new year.

    1. Hi Marie, am grateful for you feedback.

  29. These ideas gave me a lot to think about for repurposing some of my old posts. Thank you for always providing great tips!

    1. I appreciate your feedback Tamara.

  30. Great advice! I have some old posts that could use an update in 2020.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Jenni.

  31. I love the ideas you have in this post! I will definitely try the Quora tip, making a video (currently concentrating on Facebook Live’s) and reposting on other sites, like Linked In. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi, glad you found this helpful. Thank you for the positive feedback.

  32. I am definitely saving these ideas for later. I like the idea of making visuals for quotes. I have done it a bit for Instagram and Twitter but I guess there is no reason why I can’t make good pinnable images with quotes on them too. Maybe I’ll try my hand at turning some posts into videos or podcasts too. I’m sure my husband would be a lively debate companion for a podcast! At this ppint thw thought of learning a whole new skillset for either of those is too overwhelming but a good future possibility.

    1. Hi Tessa, you can pick any of the ideas that you are comfortable with, some people will just do images and leave out podcasts, while others will pick out videos, so it depends on what works well with you otherwise thanks for visiting and for the insightful feedback.

  33. This is really really clever! I never thought about some of these options, thanks!

    1. Hey Carolyn, am glad you found this helpful. You are welcomed.

  34. I didn’t know you could put articles on LinkedIn. Quota sounds useful, I am going to look into that. Thanks for the ideas, very useful.

    Karen at OurCarpeDiem | https://OurCarpeDiem.com

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for visiting.

  35. This post was so helpful and gave me some tips that I was not aware of. I am definitely going to implement some of your suggestions. Thank you.

  36. This is so insightful, definitely some tips I could use for my blog.

    1. Thanks Kirsty, for your feedback!

  37. Thank you for sharing this! This is something I struggle with – knowing how to properly repurpose older posts!

    1. I appreciate your feedback.

  38. I have just been working my way through some of my older posts so this post is well timed.

    Thank you for sharing x x

    1. Hi, thanks for reading and feedback.

  39. I have a lot of posts on my first blog — I have to look at some of those posts and start repurposing! Thanks!

    1. Hi, I appreciate your feedback.

  40. These are great ideas! I heard before that Google actually likes old posts to be updated and they start showoshup better in search engines. Do you think answering questions on Reddit is worth it or just sticking to Quota?

    Ash | thisdreamsalive.com

    1. Hi Ash, reddit is good if you find good sub-reddits that have an engaging audience otherwise in my Opinion Quora is better if you want to drive traffic by answering questions and linking back to your blog.

  41. My next two weeks are devoted to repurposing and freshening up old content, so this post gave me some extra ideas. I have not been active on Quora at all, but I am intrigued.

    1. Hi Jenny, am glad to learn that you’ve picked some ideas from this post. Thanks.

  42. i re-purpose content constantly! i really like your infographic idea 🙂

    1. Hey Kat, thanks for your feedback.

  43. I hadn’t thought about turning any old posts into a new guide! I have learned a thing or two since starting the blog and gone back and lengthened some older posts as well as created more professional images. Never thought to repackage the whole post! Good tip! I get quite a few visits from Quora. The click through rate on general shares isn’t quite as good as Pinterest, but it’s still pretty good on answers.

    1. Hi Cassie, am glad you found this useful. Thanks for your insightful feedback.

  44. This is actually some really helpful advice for making the most out of blog content. Bloggers gotta work hard, so it’s important to make a lot out of a little!

    1. True, thanks for your comments Mint!

  45. Thank you so much for writing about this! I didn’t know (or it hadn’t occurred to me) that you could do innovative things with old posts O.O

    I’m totally using these to use them more 🙂

    Great post!

    – aimlief

    1. Hi, thanks for your feedback.

  46. These are really good ideas!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi, I really appreciate your visit and feedback.

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