Categories: Self-Improvement

How to Crush Procrastination to Achieve Set Goals

How crush procrastination and achieve your set goals

This is a guest post from Kennedy Cee, founder of ClientsValley

Every goal you would achieve in life requires a step-by-step plan – a plan that gives you a clear map of what to do and how to go about it. At ClientsValley for instance, this is a can’t-do-without.

Here’s what we believe and teach our clients…

If you desire to own a mansion at The Palm Jumeirah for instance, you need a plan.

If you want to build a successful multi-million dollar business, you need a plan.

If you need a consistent flow of your most perfect clients, you need a plan.

A plan… a strategy… a system… a step-by-step process…

Bottom line, you need something that guides you to achieve any goal you’ve set out for yourself and your business.

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

As much as this has become so cliché, it couldn’t be truer than it is.

No significant success is attained without a plan.


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What’s the point of having a plan to achieve set goals when you don’t follow it through?

Oh yeah…

Having a plan is important. But execution of the plan is what brings the desired result or outcome.

If you have a plan for attracting clients into your business, that’s just about opening the lid of the container.

You need to take the necessary actions to ensure you access the content of the container – that’s actually getting clients into your business consistently.

This is where a lot of business owners fall short.

You have a huge folder of plans.

Plans for marketing… plans for enrolling clients… plans for growing the business… plans… plans… plans…

But getting started on those plans is a totally different story.

From the years I’ve worked with coaches and service professionals, I’ve come to realize that there’s a common barrier to getting to work on mapped out plans – procrastination.

Have you ever looked at tasks you’ve mapped out in order to achieve set goals and you put them off for another time?

Oh… there’s a better question…

How many times have you pushed the stuff you’re supposed to have done to a later time?

That’s right, you’ve lost count.

Don’t beat yourself up you’re not the only one in this miserable boat.

This is common with business owners.

Here’s why…

Most business owners have allowed the freedom and time they supposedly have to get a better part of them. Because there’s probably no one bossing you around to get things done, you fall flat-faced into the trap of procrastination.

This is beginning to make sense to you now, right?

But, a great plan without action gets nothing done. Worse part: pushing what ought to be done to another time gradually takes your business to its grave.

So how do you crush procrastination to start set goals now?

Here are 5 ways to get started…

  1. Arrange Your Action Plan in Order of Priority

Have you ever opened your closet to pick a dinner outfit and all your apparels stare you in the face unarranged?

Trust me; the first thing that hits you is a feeling of confusion. You’d be at a loss with which one to choose.

When the confusion persists, you become overwhelmed and most likely shut your closet.

It’s same with your plans.

If you don’t arrange your plans according their order of importance, taking the first step will be pretty difficult. You’ll find it hard to know where to start and where each of the tasks fall in.

Muddling up things only gets you more confused. It saps you of the energy you need to get started. You get so choked up with many scattered items on your to-do list that you don’t even know where or how to begin.

You can also read: 8 Key Traits of Successful People

This is why you need to prioritize.

When it comes to your premium client attraction plans, you need to know the ROI for each task in your action plan. You also need to know the ones that get the most results with minimal effort.

These kind of tasks are the ones you ought to start with.

So what do you need to focus on today that will get you started on attracting your most perfect clients?

  1. Identify the Clog in the Wheel

Sometimes, procrastination doesn’t come from the ambiguity or lack of arrangement of the tasks on your action plan.

It could just be that there’s a clog in the wheel somewhere. Something that’s posing as a big obstacle in the way of getting started on your plans.

It could be a missing piece of the puzzle that you left out in your planning.

It could even be that you really don’t know how to effectively go about the first step.

It’s important you identify the stuff that is holding you back from getting started on your client attraction plans.

For most business owners, it’s their mindset.

You feel you don’t have all it takes to close the clients when you get them through the door. This makes you feel that there isn’t a need to get started with your plan after all.

I’ve mentioned some common obstacles that could likely deter you from taking the first step.

However, yours might be a completely different issue altogether.

So, take the time today to look at your plan, your business, and yourself to identify any specific reason why you are refraining yourself from taking the first step.

  1. Peg a Time Interval to Each Task

Timing is everything if you must get started on your plans.

Usually, when you assume that a task will take longer than necessary, you most likely will procrastinate on taking the necessary action. I’ve found this to be the case most of the time.

So, it helps to put a time stamp on every task you have in your client attraction plan.

For instance, if you want to run a Facebook ad for three weeks, that’s a time stamp there. It helps you get started knowing that you have three weeks to run your campaign.

Same goes for every other part of the plan.

  1. Schedule Your Actions

This is where things become more realistic and practical.

Here, your calendar is your best friend.

It’s not enough to peg a time to your tasks, scheduling gives you a stronger drive to get to work.

Check this out…

“From 3rd to 23rd of January, we’ll start up our Facebook ad campaign.”

Look at that… It’s as realistic as it can be.

So you’re not just allotting three weeks to the campaign, you know exactly the period you would run it.

Related: Best Self Improvement Books

  1. Do It Now

Okay, this isn’t supposed to be on this list.

This is the heart of everything you’ve been reading from the first sentence up till now.

You can arrange your tasks in order of importance… that’s great.

It could be a breeze for you to identify the clog in the wheel…

You could apportion time and period to each task… awesome.

But hey, if you do nothing, then nothing gets done. Period.

In essence, you need to take the first step to get your plans rolling.

You’ve got a great plan that will probably get you the right clients you need for your business.

But hey, you’ve got to get started if you must see those plans materialize to tangible and measurable results.

John Mulindi

John writes on a variety of topics. He blogs on topics ranging from social media marketing (SMM), search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing, business, personal finance tech, entrepreneurship to personal development. In free time he likes watching football, reading, listening to music and taking nature walks.

View Comments

  • Love the saying If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Planning is so important. It's the only way I get things done.

  • I believe SMART goals with the right plans are the key to success. Enjoyed the post which is right on point!

  • John.
    Love this post because it addresses my forte.
    At the end of it all it all comes down to execution. In my interaction with businesses from startup stage to conglomerates, whether small business or large corporations, the accumulation of creative ideas that could turn around a business accumulate dust on some in-tray across the globe. If only we would all take the 'doing part' into over drive? Just imagine where we would be - in terms of personal growth and business or hustle growth?
    Shared the post.
    H Emma |

  • I agree with the "clogg in the wheel" we gotta identify it to make it run smoothly. we need to understand, if we really want it, we need to make it our priority. No matter what anyone says.

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