How to get approved by Google Adsense

How to Get approved by Google Adsense fast

Google AdSense is very strict when it comes to approving new application. Here you will get tips on what  you need to do before applying for Google AdSense program and get approved.  

One of the reasons why Google AdSense is preferred by many bloggers is because you can earn big money if you work in the right way.

You might have applied for google AdSense, and gotten a rejection. This might be due to the following reasons:

  • Insufficient Content or Unacceptable site content – Your blog might be having insufficient content that specialists at Google can review. Note that Content is given a lot of value and attention. If you have a poorly written content with many grammatical mistakes, then your application will be rejected from the word go. Also note that your content must be unique and provide something to the users/readers inform of value.
  • Poor Design of your blog – Blogs that are poorly designed and are hard for the visitors to understand get rejected by Google AdSense. Take note of the colors you are using, that they may not scare away the visitors. You must have a neat design which is beautiful and comfortable to the visitor’s eyes.
  • No About us, Privacy Policy and Contact us Pages – You must have these pages before you apply for Google AdSense if you want your application to be accepted. These pages give a good impression about you as someone who is professional and working according to the google set policies.
  • Your site doesn’t comply with Google AdSense policies – You site doesn’t have organic traffic, no rich, unique and meaningful content. You have pages that doesn’t have any content or no original content. No clear navigation and organization. Also having traffic through illegal sources goes against the Google AdSense policies. Make sure you check the Google AdSense policies to avoid mistakes like these.

What to do before you apply for Google AdSense

The first and foremost thing to do is to ensure that you are writing high quality content that visitors can enjoy. A high quality content is one is:

  • Unique and original
  • Has proper headings and bullet lists
  • Free from grammar and spelling mistakes
  • Useful and informative
  • Quite long

Create about page

You must have about page before you can get approved.  This shows that there is a real person behind the blog. An about page simply describes you and your blog. This will help in establishing a relationship with the readers and make them trust you.

Create a Privacy page for your Blog

Having a privacy means that you are not a scam and gives the sense of a serious business. Google will check the rest of the conditions only if you have this policy.  A privacy policy describes to your readers about what they will get on your blog, what they should do and what they should not.

Setup a Contact Us page

You can add an email that you are going to apply for google AdSense. If possible use a professional email address like and your social links too. This means that you care for your customers, visitors and that they can contact you anytime

Verify your Name and Email

Put your name and email address in some easily visible area like about and contact pages. This will confirm to Google AdSense team that it is the same person who applied for Google AdSense and not a spam or crappy bots.

Have some good number of Posts

Though there isn’t a known number of posts that you need to get approved, make sure you have written a number of posts before applying like 20 posts. These posts should have enough views, and even comments on them.

Improve your Blog Design

The first time you visit a website the first thing you look for is the blog design. You need to build a good first impression on your blog readers to engage them.  Your blog design is the most important factor that comes after content. This represents your expertise, experience, and professionalism. Your blog should have the following features:

  • Simple and professional
  • Easy to navigate
  • Proper menus
  • No useless items in sidebar and footer
  • Search engine friendly
  • Fast loading

Check your content type

Make sure you don’t publish content that is prohibited by AdSense like:

  • Pornographic/Adult materials
  • Hacking or cracking Tutorials
  • Illegal Drugs/Paraphernalia
  • Pirated content
  • Any illegal stuff

Use top Level Domain

You must have your own unique domain that specifies your blog.  Without a domain then you won’t get approval. You can get a domain at reasonable prices at iPage.  The best domain is one with .com extension. Choose a short and easy to remember domain that is related to your content niche on your blog. In some countries like Asian ones, the AdSense has domain age restrictions. They don’t accept any sites which are less than 6 months old. But not that age doesn’t matter when you have a high quality blog that is bringing in visitors and cares about them at the same time.

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How to get approved by Google Adsense

Check your traffic sources 

Do not use paid traffic since Google won’t accept your application. Focus on getting traffic from legal sources like social media, search engines and related blogs.

Make sure you are 18+ 

This is a trouble you can get in by writing incorrect age. Use your correct date of birth and age while applying for google AdSense account.

You can also read: Best Google AdSense Alternatives

Bottom Line

Make sure you do your homework well before you make the application for google AdSense. Take note of what I have discussed here. Even if you get rejected do not lose hope, take note of the issues mentioned in the rejection email and try to fix them, then apply again. Am sure if you attend to all the issues mentioned in the rejection email, your application will be approved.

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83 responses to “How to get approved by Google Adsense”

  1. […] You can also read: How to get approved by Google Adsense […]

  2. Your post is very helpful to those who are applying for Google Adsense. Great advice.

    1. Thanks for your feedback.

  3. Princess Quinn Avatar
    Princess Quinn

    This is absolutely helpful and informative. It will boost people’s confidence when asking for an approval to google adsense. Smart tips and suggestions.

    1. Thanks for your input!

  4. Lyosha Varezhkina Avatar
    Lyosha Varezhkina

    I didn’t know they have such a strict policy about the pages! It is so helpful. I think it is frustrating if you can not get approved by Google

    1. Hi Lyosha, thanks for visiting again!

  5. swathiiyer Avatar

    Lot of valuable information about google adsense application, Yes I know they are really strict in approving the application.

    1. Hi, thanks for your feedback.

  6. Wow, it sure is a lot harder to get into adsense now! I remember 11 years ago when I started blogging, all we did was sign up, verify our identity, our blog should be 3 months old with sufficient amount of posts (2-4 posts a week) and voila! You’re approved. I guess people who want to earn from adsense have their work cut out for them now 😛

    1. Hi Ane, in my opinion, its easy to join so long as, you know what is required of you before applying. Thanks for your insightful comments.

  7. This post is really helpful to me. Thank you for all the important points that I am going to remember before applying.

  8. I often see people crying about google adsense not getting approved but they dont understand the parametres tbh. This is truly a very well written post.

    1. Hi Monidipa, am grateful for your visit. Welcome.

  9. Oooh that’s great to know! I was always curious about adsense and had no idea how to proceed!

    1. Hi Corrine, thanks for visiting! am glad you found this helpful.

  10. Tasheeni Avatar

    These are some very great tips! Thank you so much for sharing!

  11. Michael David Oyco Avatar
    Michael David Oyco

    I also got a same blog post on my blog. Hopefully this helps other people get it too.

  12. This is a great article, I know that adsense is important especially for youtubers and folks but I never understood it too much. Thanks for the information.

  13. There’s a lot of valuable information here. I’m just starting with blogging and I have no idea how to even apply to adsense, so this was extremely helpful, even though I don’t think advertisements will work for my blog.

    1. Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment. Actually ads can enable make some passive income, no much effort from your side, all you need to do is to create content and drive traffic to your site.

  14. […] For anyone planning to join Google adsense, please read: What to do before applying for Google Adsense. […]

  15. […] struggling to understand why their application to Google AdSense was continuously being rejected, How to  Get Approved by Google AdSense – I highly recommend this article, for either if you are just about to apply or are […]

  16. I wish I discovered this post last week before I started to sign up. This information is really useful. I didn’t know that about the contact us page, so I’m so glad I read your post.

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting.

  17. Very, very useful article! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Most welcomed.

  18. Hi I am Paul and i am from Philippines, and i want to share this to you. To get approved by google adsense, never forget to use your own language in your first 10 blog post. this is very effective if you are outside of an english country. Why? My blog is a multiniche started in a tagalog language and now with english language and what happen is that i able to get approved by google adsense after 2 weeks only. Just want to share this tips.

    1. Hi Paul, thanks for the additional tips.

  19. This is great information, John! Many new bloggers don’t understand the parameters they need to fall within, and become confused as to why they are rejected. This really spells it out clearly!

    1. Hi, thanks for your comments.

  20. Awesome, but i have blogspot domain and do you think i wont get accepted ? because some people said that it will :))

    1. I have seen google ads on blogspot domains, so in my opinion I would say yes. But recheck again.

  21. Thanks for the information

  22. Another great post with helpful tips! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by again. Most welcomed.

  23. Thank you for this post, it’s been very helpful. Will be following these tips.

    1. Most welcomed.

  24. This is very useful for a start up blogger like mine and also it is very helpful for my friend also. I can share this link to them.. Thank you so much for good info.

    1. Welcome again.

  25. Great info I will put this in motion for sure

  26. These are great tips. I had such a hard time setting mine up. Being a new blogger and having to figure everything out alone can be a chore.

    1. Hi Magen, thanks for visiting and taking time to make comments on this post.

  27. Jaime Porter Avatar
    Jaime Porter

    This article is great for someone like me who is a fairly new blogger. Saving as a reference for when I am ready to apply! Thanks!

  28. These are helpful tips. I used Adsense for a couple of months but decided to let it go. Do people earn any significant amounts from Adsense?

    1. Hi Mala, it depends, if your have reasonable traffic especially from US, UK then you may earn well with Google adsense.

  29. Thanks for sharing this post. Not looking into Adsense at the moment (I’m interested in some other forms of monetizing my blog), but you gave me a good reminder to create a Privacy Page.

    1. Hi Vladimir, it is always good to have alternatives provided you make some money, you can leave out Adsense.

  30. Creative And Healthy Fun Food Avatar
    Creative And Healthy Fun Food

    Thank you for the post. Adsense is a very good source of income.

  31. Some very useful information in here. Thank you

  32. pennyspuravida Avatar

    Timely article John. I can’t get an old email address off of my Google account, so I can submit my current. Still waiting on a response from the form I sent in.

    Your advice will be helpful once I break through!

    1. You can use your blog email address,if you have one. It can still work here too.

  33. Thanks for all of the info! I’m saving this for when I get on this in the near future!

  34. This is so good to know, thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Laura, thanks for visiting.

  35. Great post. Yep. I agree with all your points. I remember when I started my blog I had to apply two times before approval.

    1. Hi Kamira, thanks for dropping by. Welcome.

  36. Useful article. I was just thinking about adsense & BAM I got introduced to your blog post. Very helpful

  37. […] has proved to be one of the best out of many networks available out there, however they have a strict approval process.  Besides, your site can get banned by them. So what happens when you can’t get approved by […]

  38. […] – Google Adsense is one of the best ways to make money on your blog. Although they have strict approval requirements . You have to meet these requirements to be allowed to display their ads on your blog. After […]

  39. This is a really interesting post! Really useful information!

    1. Thanks for the comments.

  40. Thanks for all the info.

    1. Thanks for the comments. I hope this will help more and more people.

  41. Thanks for the comment. Yeah you apply while making sure you fulfill their requirements and even if you don’t succeed keep on trying while taking note what they want worked on/improved. This is usually in their email response.

  42. Great, will use this advice for our blog.

  43. Andria Perry Avatar
    Andria Perry

    I just applied for adsense and I have not got a reply back, how ling does it usually take?

    1. Hi thanks for the question, if you apply for first time, they will review your site and get back to you in say 1-3 days or even hours. If you get a positive feedback, they will direct you to place a code into your website/blog. This code are adsense ads that you won’t be able to see until you are approved. These unseen ads impressions will be monitored by adsense. These impressions when they reach a certain level they automatically activate your site. If you are not able to produce a given number of impressions within provided time, then you won’t be able to be approved. Note that second approval can take hours to weeks, so you need to be patient.

  44. Thanks for this information. So many times I hear people knocked back for their AdSense account and they are left so confused. I will share this post with them from now on.

    1. Yeah, that is why it is important to do some research on what they really look for, and prepare before you apply.

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