Marketing is about establishing your prospects needs and then finding a way to compel them to make that buying decision. The following steps will help you as a sales person to move your prospects closer to that sale.
- First and foremost you need to establish the need-Establish the specific needs of your target market, the challenges they are facing, where the problems lie, and how this is affecting their life, finances, business, profit margins, team etc.
- After establishing where the problem is, then you can share information-If you are introducing a new product or service then providing comprehensive information is essential. Show your prospects how you will meet their needs. Give them enough free valuable information to help them make a buying decision. This will only demonstrate your expertise but it will make a connection with your audience and break down the skepticism associated with traditional selling techniques.
- Communicate the benefits- Try as much as possible to talk more about the benefits people might expect to achieve as a result of the methods, techniques and tools you use rather than talking about the process itself. How will it impact your prospects life/business. Have them engage on an emotional level where possible. The more free advise and information you can provide the more your credibility will grow.
- Show the value- Provide some case studies of where the solution you are providing has worked. Give a story/evidence and describe where you’ve had success using your techniques or process. How has it impacted past client’s lives. This will back up your results. When you do this you build a relationship of trust. With the information you’ve provided to the prospects, they will be in a position to make their own well-informed decision. What matters most is what is in for them or the benefits they will gain working with you.
- In case your prospects don’t buy from you immediately, keep going until you get a buying decision. This could be by like providing more information like e-newsletters.
- Lastly be there when they need you- people need to hear your message as many times as possible before they consider purchasing from you. Therefore you have to be in front of your prospects all the time. It might take time but when they start buying from you it will be the same people who buy time and time again.